Ive been using this for a while now http://www.aqadvisor.com/
my filters aint listed in the dropdown menu anymore for some reason but when i put user defined it asks how many litres they are, i have the
All Pond Solutions 600IF Aquarium Internal Filter, 600 Litre/ Hour
and also on the other side of the tank i have the
All Pond Solutions 450IF Aquarium Internal Filter, 450 Litre/ Hour
so when its asking how many L each filter is am i right in thinking one is 600 and the other 450? which im 100% sure is wrong as it says Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 2370%
my tank is 110litres 80x35x40cm
maybes aqadvisor aint working right today as ive never had issues with it before, if anyone knows the true L of those filters though would be greatly appreciated
my filters aint listed in the dropdown menu anymore for some reason but when i put user defined it asks how many litres they are, i have the
All Pond Solutions 600IF Aquarium Internal Filter, 600 Litre/ Hour
and also on the other side of the tank i have the
All Pond Solutions 450IF Aquarium Internal Filter, 450 Litre/ Hour
so when its asking how many L each filter is am i right in thinking one is 600 and the other 450? which im 100% sure is wrong as it says Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 2370%
my tank is 110litres 80x35x40cm
maybes aqadvisor aint working right today as ive never had issues with it before, if anyone knows the true L of those filters though would be greatly appreciated