API tap water conditioner vs. API aqua essential


And for the record, I have no vested interest in any business venture, public or private ;)

I'll continue to use Seachem Prime throughout my fishkeeping years, with no issue, and no worry.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Byron.
No, because in the end it is less a volume issue, depending what you have in the water. What does matter is using unnecessary concoctions, and as you know by now I do not advocate this, regardless of the issue or the circumstances. Leave it at that.
BTW, I'll look forward to this caveat being added to your future recommendations for water conditioners.
See additional API Tap Water conditioner directions, attached

For tap water treated with chloramine, 5 ml of API to treat 30 USG, 3 ml of Prime to treat 30 USG
huh, that's so weird, when I did a google search it was so different.
The calculations were simple enough, I just think it is the source that is different.

1 per 5 == 5 per 25(results from petco)
and 5 per 30(from post 10 amazon)


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