Anyone know if the Rineloricaria


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
Algae is getting out of hand in my oddball 55g, and being that I have a ropefish means I can't get a pleco. I know that these whiptails will eat some algae, but I don't know if they would harm my ropefish. I wish I could just use the algae scraper but it scares the Cr*p out of my fish, and they end up hitting the rocks or the walls :crazy: So, anyone know if whiptail cats harm ropefish?
It should be ok, IME its only the larger Loricarids like common plecs and gibbys that like to suck on the slime coatings of polypterids and rays. But to be on the safe side keep a close eye on the rope fish and if you see any sign that the whiptail may have been rasping in it seperate them immeidietly.
Well if it's only commons and gibbys, whould ancistrus be ok? I have a feeling that a whiptail might cost a lot :crazy: If it doesn't, I'll get one and keep a close watch on them :)
Oh I will have to watch mine carefully, I have a Chocolate and a common both about 3 inches.

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