RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Juwel rio 180 101x51x40cm
I'm looking for something different to add to my aquarium in time and would like some ideas
at the moment i have guppys , white cloud minnow and apple snails in there
i will be adding a few more minnows - (gold , long fish etc) , guppys (pures) and some platys and neons -- the occupants in the tank are really for the children so dont want anything that will eat anything lol
is there anything oddball that will live in my sized tank with these tank mates
i did see some gobys at my LFS and they were listed as dwarf ? please dont ask me the name cos i have no idea
any help appreciated
Sarah xx
I'm looking for something different to add to my aquarium in time and would like some ideas
at the moment i have guppys , white cloud minnow and apple snails in there
i will be adding a few more minnows - (gold , long fish etc) , guppys (pures) and some platys and neons -- the occupants in the tank are really for the children so dont want anything that will eat anything lol
is there anything oddball that will live in my sized tank with these tank mates
i did see some gobys at my LFS and they were listed as dwarf ? please dont ask me the name cos i have no idea
any help appreciated
Sarah xx