Any fish that just don't interest you?

Common livevearers
rainbow cichlids
african lake cichlids
dwarf gouramis
Cyprinids Some exceptions from both C's, but I dislike most
The entire pleco family (From otos to bristle noses to whiptails)
And any other basic starter fish that I haven't mentioned ;)
Weird, colorful, different, and interesting for me, and I also like fish that think to a small degree :p
Ooooh who said those goldfish with things on their heads?!!

ECHO- those celestial and bubble eyed things are really not for me, I think it's just such a deformity- and the orandas and lionheads that develop growths that bury their eyes and have real problems getting about- surely it's not a comfortable existence!?

Miss Dib Dab - I hope you can ride again someday soon and at stage 3 you must have been at a pretty darn impressive level! I was working p/t at a school to get my stage 1 when all **** broke loose- my bf left me for someone we both worked with at my other job and raided my house taking half my stuff- I fell really ill and lost my job. :( I am going to college to try again soon, all things going ok.
I so prefer cobs and shires to flighty, skittish arabs and thoroughbreds - you know where you are with a cob!
Big hairy fetlocks, broad rump and a wicked personality!

I wouldnt keep Bettas again - ive tried them and they look nice but they dont DO anything. They hardly move!

Anything you feed live food to - dont agree with it.

Oscars - nice to look at someone else sbut Id hate to pay for the equipment.

Saltwater fish - belong only in strictly controlled environments imo (be it an experienced marine keeper's home or in a large aquarium to teach people about them and to breed them for conservation - definitely not in pet shops of any description! main reason being not enough education) OR IN THE SEA!


I like my swordies - great personalities!
LOL PP, you sound just like my friend when she went looking for her cob- her last horse had been an anglo arab, but this time she wanted something sensible and chunky! B)
hum. well I started by saying no tropical freshwater. Then acquired a tank with tropical freshwater. Looked at fish and said no to;
tetras (of any kind)
loaches (get too big)
albino fish in general
sharky things

and do u know what? Have got most of them in my tanks now! I have to say, if I had chosen them, they wouldnt be there, but i love em all now :)

Ps also said never would get black and white cat and now have 2... think I am just a sucker for a sob story! ;)
there are some small loaches lilmisstrouble.

I personally would never keep anything that cannot swimm well as the result of human breeding indevors.
quintessential said:
Actually I've been thinking of taking that back and trying some Endlers or those native "lesser killies" that is actually a livebearer (formosa somethinganother)

The fish is Poecilia Sp. "Endlers", or
commonly called, "Endler's Livebearer".

They might be guppies. Guppies as in wild type guppies. They're about the
size of wild guppies, and generally resemble them in many ways except
for two things: first, they're always double swordtails, and second
the coloration is different. They have 4 or five streaks of color
that cover the whole body, one of bright orange, one of black one
of bright metallic green and a couple of something else but I can't remember them.

Just FYI, and I hope I'm not repeating someone because of my laziness. But Endlers have double sword tails due to a founder effect, endler only managed to keep alive ones with the spot in that certain position, without metalic coloring and with double sword taiuls, in the wild not all those traits are always the same.
plecoperson, did you keep your bettas in small bowls? Just curious, mine are all in tanks and are very active, all the ones I've had in the past have been too. Anyway, each to their own. :)

I personally said I would never have neon tetras because it seemed like everyone did and I thought they were boring. Now that I have them though (they seemed the best fit for my tank when I got them), I really enjoy them and they are so much prettier than I remember my friends' being.

I don't think I'll ever do Cichlids. Can't really say why though. Loaches give me the creeps big time so no way to those. And anything that resembles a snake or something "yucky". Hard to describe but sometimes certain fish just give me the shivers.
I really really dislike

Guppies (they just...die for no reason)

I dont like the mollies platties and swortails because they are so terribly inbred and weak they only live a few years.


Barbs (just cant stop fidgiting with all the other fish, it bugs the heck out of em)
Tetras (too plain)
Goldfish (too big and typical of a fish)
crabs (not worth it)
pirahna (devil)
silver dollar (devils cousin)
cichlids (i just dont understand the fuss people make over them)
loaches (except the zebra kind, I love those)

and I could probably list alot more If i think about it, but I really should be going to bed.
I don't like
Tetras (except neons)

They seem like "just fish" to me, no personality.

I like the cute little faces of puffers but they are so much work for just a couple of fish per tank.

I don't like plecos. Vaccuum cleaner face fishes...and the POOP! Great God Almighty, the POOP!

I do not have trouble with my guppoes dying. The opposite problem, if you know what I mean. I am wanting to get out of guppies so I can use that tank for something else, but...

I like fish that look back at me and actually SEEM to have something going on behind the eyes. Bettas and Oscars come readily to mind. Like was said earlier, though, you gotta keep your betta in a tank, not a jar.

I don't like the grey blank look fish. Tinfoil barbs, most tetras, silver dollars, pacus, even piranha...they are just fish. More power to you if you want those, not for me.

Ditto on the freaky looking goldies. ANd parrots, eww. I don't get discus either. They look like angels (which I love) with their fins missing (same for monos) and tend to die if you look at them wrong.
As far as the people who only like the weird uncommon fish...well...if dandelions were hard to grow they would grace every hothouse in the world. I find it telling that so many say "No livebearers, except the hernandiosa, or whatever it was" There isn't really enything more special about that livebearer than a platy. They are just rarer.
Yep, let me add discus to my list. They're gorgeous fish, but so fincky! Get a severum instead, I say: same shape, still pretty bit less fuss. :thumbs:
Mollies scare me :S I always wanted a dalmation fish and the molly is my only option but I can't bring myself to buying one.

Barbs of any description, freak me out.


Dyed fish.....cause its cruel

Gouramies...cause their whiskers are creepy

Flowerhorn cichlids....

Anything with a large hump on its head.....

Anything with visible teeth
I don't like anything with no colour. My housemate has hatchets, halfbeaks, albino corries, and they are all boring wastes of tank space.

The more colourful the better for me!
Angry Platy, Mollies are like one of the closest relatives of platys. I don't get how you can like one so much that it is in your User ID and be scared of the other. They are so much alike. What is it about mollies that scares you?

I agree with the visible teeth thing. You can;t see the teeth on any of mine, even my oscar.

I don't like fish that somehow look "wrong" (which I realize is a matter of opinion) If it looks like someone scrunched it or stretched it or took its nose off...I am not sure I am being clear. Oh, well. It is 5 am and I haven't slept, I cannot be help responsible for anyone's lack of ability to understand my babbling.

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