Another day in petsmart....


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2005
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I went to petsmart to day to get a divider for my 10gal. I thought I'd have a look at the bettas. They actually didn't look bad until I looked back and saw a cup... It was a gorgeous white bodied male floating on its back dead in a cup :-( . This was the first time I've seen a dead betta ever. I wanted to take all the others home to get them away from all the torture but I couldn't afford that many tanks. Oh well just thought I'd share my story.... :sad:
If he was still alive I would've takin him home the first betta with the white coloration I like and it's dead! :sad:
Aww. :-( Poor betta.

The petsmart by me is actually pretty nice, all the bettas there are set up so the staff can see everyone of them. I wish all Petsmarts were like that.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :byebye: byebye little pretty betta!!! ... i reported walmart and my animal police ppl sent in a investigater and my story checked out WOOOOOOOO walmart will ethier stop selling fish or start making things betta or i complain again and again and again and again till they post my picture and say "this women isnt allowed to see what toture we place upon these poor fish in this store ... remove her immediatly and erase her memory if she does" :D
Woah,since white colors are rare I thought he would`ve been bought and treated,poor thing :(
Come to think of it it looked like the betta in your avatar sms but it was a veiltail.
OMG I JUST GOT BACK FORM WALMART walmart has new albino channel catfish and all i mean ALL of the fish have ick :(
Funny thing my walmart keeps better care of their fish than petsmart!
Chrissy said:
Aww. :-( Poor betta.

The petsmart by me is actually pretty nice, all the bettas there are set up so the staff can see everyone of them. I wish all Petsmarts were like that.
my local petsmart is good, too, about its betta care. so is my local petco. the pet club is a diff. story, though. their bettas don't look so hot most of the time. at least they only carry no more than 5 so aren't killing them in mass quantities like walmarts that i've heard of :(
Did you point out that fish to someone?

I would have pranced right up to the little fish cart and asked them why on earth there's a dead betta bobbing around in a cup on the shelf.
Bettas, as we all know, aren't that hard to keep alive with some good clean water and some TLC. Well, obviously they aren't getting either at that PS.

The stores around here have become remarkably better about keeping their fish in better conditions. (Lucky for my blood pressure - heh!)

You should definitely call a manager tomorrow.
HECK... better yet, tell me what city and state your PS is in and I'll call them myself. I've done it before, and I would do it again.

There's NO excuse for that.
As I always say... heaven help the poor soul who's working the fish department the day I discover my first dead betta in a cup.
There will be some major hell raised that day.
Feel free :) I live in lake charles louisiana its the only petsmart around here. I don't think they'd listen to me anyways

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