And So It Begins...

well todays beeen #### :(

found the coral beauty dead under soem live rock and the place i got it im going for an interview in a few moments! gonna take it bak and see if they can exchange it i think :(

tested my water everything is fine, pretty gutted.

:rip: :(
welll i went to lfs gotr them to test my water 2, theres a little ammonia which i think i found the cause of a dead snail it absoloutly reeeked! :sick:

i saw the coral beauty flipping into it today which i thought was odd, and the snail hadnt moved in a few days, today i found out why...

im gonna do a water change, rearrange rock for new look, and contemplate wether to get another fish anytime sooon.

on a lighter note my interview went well got asked back for a second intervieew so 20% all fish, live rock, water everything in marine and the whole gardebn centre infact if i get the job which i hope i do!!
2 new fish are going in today acclimitsing i fear i have made an error of judgment on one of them though :( i had so much information i mistook ones requirements for anothers stupid really i hope all will go well though.

after theyve acclimitised il get some pictures :p my free trigger they couldnt catch :| so il be getting it next week or in a few weeks!
Shibby, I think you got your coral beauty way too soon. They require very good quality water, and stable conditions and are NOT recommended for new tanks. Oh, if you're after a needle, you could use one of those needles from those injet refill kits; you can easily sharpen it if you want using a dremel
ermm cheers for that ... bit long ago now, been through the learning curb and everything, and no longer need a needle.

u live n u learn.
Yeah, dead snails STINK. One of my old turbos died a while back and man the smell was atrocious

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