And So It Begins...

my clowns have settled in well and arent shy at alll brave little things.

today i thought id go aiptasia hunting and get rid of the one in the tank, you can imagine how people question an 18 year old asking for a needle at a chemist .... they didnt have any so i had to settle for a syringe :( the aiptastia has disapeered now so i dunno wether thats good or not!!

and another question my timer for my lights stopped working and i have no idea why, any one have any thoguhts on why it would just stop working :unsure:
well it had a good 2 day run -_- ... i think the lighting unit was too powerful for it ...
my clowns have settled in well and arent shy at alll brave little things.

today i thought id go aiptasia hunting and get rid of the one in the tank, you can imagine how people question an 18 year old asking for a needle at a chemist .... they didnt have any so i had to settle for a syringe :( the aiptastia has disapeered now so i dunno wether thats good or not!!

and another question my timer for my lights stopped working and i have no idea why, any one have any thoguhts on why it would just stop working :unsure:

Lol i asked for a needle at a chemist and they said no lol!

Ur tanks lookin smart! REally like the aqua scaping :) and the two clowns..
theres another update a new fish has joined the 2 clowns now ....

*drum roll*

a coral beauty :hyper: has become the new member! alot shyer then the clowns who have chosen to be on show 24/7 the coral beauty is preferring the rocks so far! it has been feeding though i ensured i got the food to the back of the rocks and kept the clowns busy at the front!

he/she is a bit too shy for photographs yet only ventures out of the rock really to look at the front and back it goes!!

while at the lfs i also told the guy wat fish i woud like him to order in, one every week or 2 so i dont get over eager :p and he said i dont have to take it if i order it depednding on the price! the fish i listed were :

pseudochromis frimani

Oxycirrhites typus (longnose hawkfish)

Paracheilinus carpenteri (carpenters flasher wrasse) or Paracheilinus filamentosus (filamented flasher wrasse)

Gobiodon atrangulatus (green clown goby)

Oxymonacanthus longirostris (longnose filefish) ive heard these are hard to keep though so im gonna have to research it alot more!

all comments good or bad welcome :p
the newbie :)



and not forgetting the clownies!


and come on people let the comments roll'in a newbie like me needs all he can :p
Nice lookin CB :). Watch out for those hawkfish, they can be aggressive, and coral munchers...
cheers for the heads up! thats 2 of the list gone already, hawk n the filefish since i did the reseacrh on the filefish and the oulooks not good for the fellas in aquariums!

back to the drawing boards then! AGAIN ... i have no clue what i can get to replace them, hopefully il stubble on something uniqueish that dosent die off in aquariums :sad:
Give me your clownies Shibby !!! :shout: There's two lovely fat ones at my LFS and they won't sell them because they are in a display tank :grr:
Yeah you walk through the door and are like "WOW". Now try finding the same in the normal tanks :angry:
haha same here i think lfs just like to tease us with there not for sale signs :sad:

and i do love the clowns AK :) there well playful little things never leaving each others side!
its been running a month now :good: and all is going well so far ... i hope it continues!

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