And So It Begins...

I got a Juwel Rio 180 off ebay too only last week. I got the tank, stand, Eheim 2215 external filter, Red Sea prism protein skimmer, Vecton UV sterilizer, Aquaone PR light unit, 4 36" lamps, 4 powerheads, automatic feeder, 2 heaters, refractometer, 4 water test kits, 25KG of live rock, substrate, gravel cleaner, 2 air pumps, electronic ph meter, few other odds and sods, 100 litres of water and just under half a huge tub of Kent Marine salt all for...... £200 :hyper:

Oh and a blue damsel fish, pencil urchin and a few cerith snails which crawled out the gravel.

Buy it, sell it, LOVE IT!! lol

Look forward to seeing your tanks development too!!

my net died when i was posting so this may be a very similar repost :/
now thats a bargain. the wonders of ebay! :hyper:

i went to my lfs today and picked up a test kit for ammonia nitrate etc...

and also got 12kg of live rock finally!! its fully cured figi live rock for 9.99 kg which seems an okay price! it has some nice pruple and green colouration on it as well.

Does any body know how i can make it sturdier though with special glue or something?

im going to add maybe 7kg more slowly and hopefully sooner rather then later. just need 1 more powerhead now and should filter media rowphos or something!

il get soem pictures later when i can find batteries for my cam and its settled a bit.
silly putty works, but you can also buy a special sticky stuff at most's an adhesive that you put between where the rocks connect...helps to hold them together...take care
and some more.

the lovely view from my computer. scrubs was on whey!

close up of one of the pieces.

Lookin good shibby. In the future you might want to try photobucket for image hosting. Can get some bigger shots on there :good:
yeh i'l look in to getting an account there! imageshack kept crashing on me.
well now its up and cycling ive got mroe tiem to plot the stocking options! after endless listign and lookign through liveaquaria and topicalfish4u and various websites ive put togetehr a fish stock list which i would like everyoens opinions on!

heres the list in order that i would stock it:

2x saddleback clowns​

1x randalls shrimp goby​

2x filamented flasher wrasse​

3x green chromis​

1x longnose hawkfish​

1x coral beauty​

1x spotted mandarin - after my tank has fully matured! they have a fair few in at my lfs and all seem healthy and the guy said there all eating well but i sud still ensure my tank is fully mature which i though was just want i wanted to here shows they care :) which is alot better then the other lfs went too!​

the c.u.c would consist of snails - trochus and turbo.

hermit crabs

sea urchin possibly

dwarf bristlestar

2 cleaner shrimp

1 tiger pistol shrimp

Any opinions are welcome!! the main concerns i have is if it will be overstocked and wether the hawkfish would bother the shrimp if the shrimp were in and well establish?
its about time for an update!

today went to LFS got my water and salitnity checked since hydrometers really are rubbish ... everything was fine.

i bought 5kg more of live rock.
4 turbo snails.
4 turban snails.
4 scarlett hermit crabs :good:

theyve all been acclimistised for hour and a half and seem to be settling in well.

i also saw my two first fish that will go in either sunday dependent on water quality or next wednesday. there 2 black and white clowns, and for a newcastle supporter thats some great coloured fish :hyper:

pictures will follow later when it gets a bit darker, since i attempted some now but im gettign an annoying glare!


Two of the five hermits who have all been named herbie.


one of the trubos, dwarfs the hitchhiking snails


one of the turbans


another full tank shot.

and photoshop si a hell of alot better then imageshack :shout:
FIRST FISH ARE IN!!! :hyper:

went and got the water checked all was fine again! and now there are 2 black and white percula clowns swimming happily around with a whole tank to themshelves !




il get some better clearer pictures soon when i get my other lens :good:
Hah, looks like a good setup so far shib. Like those clowns too :)

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