An email from herbal essences

IMO, anything that comes from PETA's website will be biased. It's like getting your news only from a democratic webpage or a republican webpage. Things are skewed to satisfy an agenda. I would believe the images, but I wouldn't assume that it is rampant, or even the norm. And yes, I think it' wrong to club baby seals on their heads.

Let me ask this question: What if I decided to start up a farm where I bred and raised saels for the sole purpose of making coats from them, using them for meat, and anything else that they could be used for. (Also assuming nothing is endangered or protected). Frankly, it would be the same as having a cow farm, right?
Eskimos have been killing and eating seals for centuries so I understand that it goes on. I dont like the fact that it goes on but "my chicken" is "their seal" - totally understand that.
If an eskimo shot or killed a seal so his family could eat I would accept that (might not like it but i'd accept it) what i find unacceptable is the fact that 300,000 are killed for their pelts - not to feed the families who live in that region but for their pelts and they are killed in a totally inhumane way.
If an animal has to be killed then lets do it quickly and without causing the animal unneccessary suffering(i know it has to suffer at some point but there are better ways than clubbing it on the head a few times surely) - there is no point in torturing an animal before you eat it or wear it surely
jimw13uk said:
If an animal has to be killed then lets do it quickly and without causing the animal unneccessary suffering(i know it has to suffer at some point but there are better ways than clubbing it on the head a few times surely) - there is no point in torturing an animal before you eat it or wear it surely
I agree :nod: also
I'm a veggie and have been so for the last 14 years and i don't wear any leather or suede or any bi product of an animal being killed and I also don't buy any products that have been tested on animals. I'm not one of those veggies though who doesn't see the need for others to eat meat as everyones an individual and whats good for one isn't for another and without meat eaters i appreciate we wouldn't see such a variety of animals out there but the conditions farm animals are kept in disgusts me as does vivisection and barbaric out dated hunting practices. I have to say though on the Peta website front they do go a little over the top to get the message across and they do screw things up but if it makes one person turn round and understand and learn something then its doing some good in my opinion :)
You mean those vidoe clips aren't real? They just hire actors to toture and kill animals?
Ummm, no. More like saying it is many barbaric acts put together in such a way that it shocks and appalls. They are made so that people think that the practices are the norm, and not at all uncommon. I think it would be safe to say that PETA has those videos to disgust people so much that they hop on board.
I understand that some of the things they show on the videos isn't common but I also believe some of them are. I'm sure Canadians don't go off into the snow to go bat some baby seals every year but the fact that it even happened once is horrible. It doesn't have to happen every year to make a statement. Also goes for the skinning of animals alive for fur coats. I'm sure that happens often in some parts of the world as not everyone thinks animals can feel pain. And with the tests done on animals. It does happen. You just don't hear about it often because companies tend to keep that extremely confidential because nobody wants to hear what they do to animals so that a product can be sold to humans (hence the long letter by Herbal E.). It's just unfortunate for them when they hire an animal activist who records what they are doing.
i used to feel the same way about peta, that they were showing the exception and not the norm, however, as a consumer when you buy meat two things happen. Firstly you really don't know where your meat came from, and most likely it is from a factory farm. Even organic doesn't mean cruelty free.

Secondly you are supporting the industry that will continue to grow and create more and more factory farms.

I know that my decision won't change much, but the moral issue is more important to me then feeling like I have to put someone out of business.

Fur and leather are disgusting. That video is the worst, if it's the one i am thinking of I couldn't even watch it all the way through before I became physically ill from it.

One other thing to think about is that with all the grain we feed livestock in this country, we could feed the entire world. Our wells are also running dry from the vast quantities of water a carnivore diet requires to be filtered through an animal.
Sorrell said:
as a consumer when you buy meat two things happen. Firstly you really don't know where your meat came from, and most likely it is from a factory farm.
you do in the UK. :p
after the whole BSE thing it is now law that all meat sold here is traceable,
all packaging must have details on it that can be traced right back to the farm it came from.
So Whiskas actually e-mailed me back and told me to call some number. I called and the one in charge of productions told me that they did feed cats to see if they like the food. So I guess they don't actually test it on them. My cat's food company hasn't called yet. :/
What does it actually mean when a pet food company tests on animals? I thought it was just feeding them.
mm_simb said:
So Whiskas actually e-mailed me back and told me to call some number. I called and the one in charge of productions told me that they did feed cats to see if they like the food. So I guess they don't actually test it on them. My cat's food company hasn't called yet. :/
What does it actually mean when a pet food company tests on animals? I thought it was just feeding them.
Iams Cruelty

Iams FAQ

Just to clarify, neither of those links are videos, just some general information ;)

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