
I'm surprised fish shops all over the world haven't cottoned on to this and started selling Ammonia yet.

Mind you, the cynic in me thinks well no they wouldn't because they make more money by people not knowing.
if you dont want the "outback special". dont use food, its very inaccurate. its, probably fine, for those with experience. but, that's just, what you don't have.
its also the closest representation of the ammonia which will likely be in the tank... the hard part is getting the food amounts right, but if you get something like pellets instead of flakes, that becomes a lot easier. then it's just a case of waiting til you can feed the right amount everyday without having ammonia/nitrite buildup...

slightly different to pure ammonia methods, but I would imagine no harder, just less people around with experience of it to help you.

yep, totally agree there.
lol, but not being squeamish i'll stick to the Outback. in the end, all you want is a cycled filter. how you get there is, largely, academic. :good: like so much, in fishkeeping. one end product, but a million ways to get there.
WD, can you help me with something. On the calculator it says that to get my ammonia in my 60 Litre tank to 5 ppm then I need to add 3.16 ml.....well, I don't know how i'd even begin to measure that (not gooa with maths either). Are there things you can buy to measure Ml or maybe if I round it down to an even 3ml that will take it up to about 4ppm and that's still ok isn't it?

I got a medicine measuring spoon from the local pharmacy that has milliliters (ML) on it. It was a $1. Has come in soo handy for fish and winemaking.

Agree, in the US a lot of time the pharmacies will just hand you variations of these. I currently use a graduated syringe with squeeze bulb on the top but I used to just use a simple eyedropper and had the number of squirts memorized. There's no point in extreme accuracy.

There used to be tons of discussion about the urine thing. The main caveat was usually that humans can have leftover drug metabolites a long time after they've taken a given prescription. Chris' idea of fishfood pellets instead of flakes seems good as the amounts may be more controlled. The problem with fishfood amount and timing is not trivial, although I fully believe one can get it down to an art like Neale discusses, we have had quite a few beginners who threw up their arms in frustration with fishfood fishless in the last two years. Some of them switched to ammonia, some probably to fish-in.


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