Amanda's First Planted Tank...

If I did this right, this should be mine.

All advice and comments appreciated. I am trying very hard to learn, but I have a long way to go. :good:

You've come a long way from the tanks first look. It's a newly planted tank, so messy is going to be good for a while. The smallish plant with the round leaves is most likely a Hydrocotyle species of some type, probably H. verticillata or H. sibthorpiodes. I'm not quite sure what your lighting is. I read somewhere in that thread that you had an incadescent bulb, which isn't great for growing plants and you had a 20W flourescent, and 1.93WPG, so I'm a bit confused. If you could clear that up, that would be great and I could be of more help. A DIY CO2 system would probably be a good idea and is quite economical.

You certainly have transformed your tank! Looking forward to seeing it develop.

I reckon the plant is Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides.

Thanks everyone!
I hope you will all keep checking in and helping. I really appreciate it. :good:
I put up new pics in the link. Should I keep posting there or should I pick up and start putting them here? I am not quite sure how this works?
Please look at it and tell me what you think of the changes, and what still needs to change...
Thanks :good:
I would use this as your main jounral then its all in one place :)
Thanks! I will put my new pics here. I am planning water changes and pics in the morning. :good:
It has been a while.
So much going on...
This is what it looks like right now, but it will be changing very soon! (I got a 55g.)
View attachment 44529

I just got the 55g. It is still in the box. I will be moving everything and getting the new one set up in the next few days... I hope. I am also getting a 60g from Wendy in July if all goes well. I am so excited! Then I can have the mixed tank, the cory tank, and the cichlids (spelling?) that I want!

Should I start a new journal for each tank, or have just one with all my tanks included? We will have 4 main tanks and 2 or 3 small ones. Which way would be best? I know I am going to want and need input on them all.

Thanks :good:
This is what it looks like now...
View attachment 44731

I robbed most of the stuff for the new 55g. The old gravel and stuff went back in here. A few days later I had some flicking. I noticed some patches on the fish. I started treating with maracyn 1 & 2. On the third day it all went cloudy. What is the deal?

How do I fix this? It doesn't filter out. It looks like a very thick white smoke.

Thanks! :good:
I've had meds do that after a few days. It will clear on its own in a few days, I tried water changes, they made little difference. It is likely a bacteria bloom, unless the fish appear to be suffering I would not worry.
I am really not sure how they are doing. I can't see most of them. It is a lot more "fog" than what shows in the picture. The ones that I can see seem to be ok. Hopefully I will see them again in a few days.

Thanks :good:
It is starting to clear up some now.
I think one of the new delphax corys is missing. I can't find it anywhere. It didn't come out to eat either! I hope it is just hiding somewhere. I can't afford to lose any. I only had 3 to begin with.
Maybe I will find it when I do my water changes in a few days.
The MTS is getting worse. I just can't get enough. I keep saying "just one more... I need it so I can have ____." So many things need different conditions, so they require more tanks. I need a python or something. This bucket #### is getting old, especially now that the tanks are getting bigger.

I found a pic I love. I am now thinking of trying something similar.
What do you think?
View attachment 44773

It looks simple, but pretty. There are so many great looking mosses out there. It would be hard to choose just one...
You might like this scape as well. It is "Wild Paradise" by Hoang Quan:


Don`t under estimate how important the wood is in scapes such as these.

You are right. I love that!

I have been hunting decent wood for over a year now. I have had no luck so far. Is there a good place to get pieces that would work for something like that.

Any idea how he keeps the sand in the middle from mixing with the other substrate?
I tried using plastic once, but to get it tall enough to keep it from mixing it showed and looked really bad.

Thanks :good:
This tank is still being used as a holding tank for most of my fish.
Also it clears up then goes cloudy again. It is cloudy more than it is clear. I think it is the over load...
That will be fixed very soon. I hope to have the 55g ready for them by tonight. Then I can start to work on this tank. It is going to be the grow out tank for my corys for a little while.

Thanks for the pic. I am using it as the example for my 55g. I am going to try to do something fairly close. (with a few changes)


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