Amanda's 55g ~~tons & Tons Of Pics!

And the Brochis can move it around w/o bruising their noses, because it isn't planted; it rests on the bottom with the bulb holding it down. hehe

My new red and black (?) striped white clouds look so pretty in my jungle tank. But today I discovered they like my anacharis and such more than me! It is all chewed up. So they must go in a tank without anacharis or whatever it is--I think I have two different kinds mixed together.

Sorry, ICEEGRL, I decided to chat with lljdma. :shifty:
Why say sorry? You know I love it... :rolleyes: These journals get sort of boring without chat. :D

I am not sure, but I think my pleco decided to rearrange my tank. I got up this morning to an assortment of torn up and uprooted plants. :shout:

I guess I will be doing a little work in there... :eek:

I will let you know how it goes... I hope to get it back some what right. :/

Thanks for looking and posting :good:
My Pleco does not like this scape. It keeps knocking things over and moving things... I am not happy!! :<
I don't have another place for the pleco to go right now, so I guess I will have to change things around where things are more stable until it can get out of that tank... I really need to find him a new home and get some bn or something smaller to go in there.
I will post pics when I get it changed around.

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
My Pleco does not like this scape. It keeps knocking things over and moving things... I am not happy!! :<
I don't have another place for the pleco to go right now, so I guess I will have to change things around where things are more stable until it can get out of that tank... I really need to find him a new home and get some bn or something smaller to go in there.
I will post pics when I get it changed around.

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:

That is why I have otos, not plecos. I had enough bull-dozing with my Brochis (may they rest in peace). Plus, they school, which is nice to watch.
I was desperate for an algae eater, and I had hunted everywhere to find smaller ones. I just couldn't find any, and couldn't find a place that would order them either. The regular pleco was all anyone carried around here. It is really sad.
Now I am stuck with a fish that has to be rehomed. For some reason they grow really fast in my tank. I have seen them in other peoples tanks, and they take a long time to get big. Not in mine... I buy it tiny and a few months later I have a really big one. You can almost see the difference from one day to the next. It is unreal!
I had one before that the girl had in her tank for over a year that was only about 4 inches long. After only 6 months with me it was around 18 inches long!!! (That was before I went planted.) I was so sad to see him go, but my biggest tank then was a 29g, and he had to have more room. He came with the tank.
I hope to find a home for this pleco and some danios and corys soon. I am trying to empty a tank...

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
This tank has gone through tons of changes. I have changed to much easier plants. I still have a few more things that will have to go in it (from tanks that got taken down). I am going to just let it grow and fill in. Then I will see how it goes. I finally got enough botia striata to control the snails. I am happy about that. I also have a pair of abn in there now. It isn't scaped at all. I just threw the plants in. It isn't great, but it works. The fish appear to like it.
This is what it looks like now.
View attachment 53458

Thanks for looking and posting.
I am getting some better. I have learned a lot here.
I have also learned that I do much better when I don't "plan" the scape. I hope that once everything is in and it grows a bit that it will look a good bit better.
I do still have a lot to learn though.
I have added a second filter now. I will also be adding the co2 back in this tank as soon as I find something better/smaller than the ladders for them. I have been looking at the glass ones, but I don't which ones to get. Any advice on which work best and are easy to keep clean?

Thanks for looking and posting.
I will be using one nutrifin on each end of the tank. Will those work with nutrifin kits?

What is a reactor? :blush:

I was thinking I would put one diffuser in the front on each side so the filters would blow it around the tank so it wouldn't just go streight up and out. Would that work?
i used one with a nutrafin kit, took a long time for pressure to build up, reactors are similar to the bubble ladder but they connect to the filter so the CO2 is pushed around more effectively. You can get internal & external.

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