Am I Ready Now?

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Highlands of Scotland
Hi peeps. Having killed two tropical crabs, I dont want to miss anything this time. I think Im ready, I plan to buy my new crabs on Saturday.

OK, so my tank is sucessfully cycled, Ive had a good qualifying week. This evening I have done a very large water change, dechlorinated, turned the temp back down 27 and then re-tested everything.

PH <7.4, ammonia 0 (then redosed), nitrite 0, nitrate 20 ppm (??)

I was quite surprised to see this level nitrate. Is this quite a high reading, should I try and water change it down some more?
Those readings look terrific. I was told that nitrate readings up to 80 ppm were acceptable.

What kind of crabs are you planning to get?
Those readings look fine. I've always been told that nitrate up to 40ppm is acceptable but not 80ppm.

Oh thats good news, thanks.

Im getting two Red Thai Crabs. Are you a crab keeper - re. your profile pic?

I have a pair of fiddler crabs who share a tank with lots of female guppies. I LOVE my fiddlers! The tank was crabified just for them, with 2 big rocks that they can lounge on, and sand to dig around and do what they like.

Those readings look fine. I've always been told that nitrate up to 40ppm is acceptable but not 80ppm.


I don't let mine get above 40 ppm
Oh thats good news, thanks.

Im getting two Red Thai Crabs. Are you a crab keeper - re. your profile pic?

I have a pair of fiddler crabs who share a tank with lots of female guppies. I LOVE my fiddlers! The tank was crabified just for them, with 2 big rocks that they can lounge on, and sand to dig around and do what they like.

Those readings look fine. I've always been told that nitrate up to 40ppm is acceptable but not 80ppm.


I don't let mine get above 40 ppm

There you go, see? I only let mine get to 30ppm before I do something about it, just to be on the safe side.


Edited 'cause of spelling mistakes... :blush:
Thanks guys, but mine IS at 20, so what would you do Paradise? Im thinking another wee water change might be on the cards before Saturday.

Yeah I was totally taken with the crabs, they are so cool. Mine has rocks and a wee castle for them sit out of water. I have gravel. I guess they like sand, I hope they will be happy with the gravel. Im only getting 2, they will have a 30l tank to themselves.
I'm sure they'll be very happy! Please post pics once you get them tucked in.
Thanks guys, but mine IS at 20, so what would you do Paradise? Im thinking another wee water change might be on the cards before Saturday.

I said 20 didn't I? I meant to say I only let mine get to 30ppm before I do anything. Mine is normally around 20ppm so they should be fine in that.

One thought on the nitrate, it could be in ur tap water so water changes wont lower it. Its worth testing ur tap water :)
One thought on the nitrate, it could be in ur tap water so water changes wont lower it. Its worth testing ur tap water :)

That's what happens with mine, It's in my tap water so I leave it at 20 and only do a small water change if it reaches 30ppm.

Yep good point. I will test my tap water. If it is the tap water then I will have to live with it anyway I guess.

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