Am i overstocked

Dexter Leopard Frog

Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2022
Reaction score
Hi guys and girls,

I am a little confused. I have checked some online calculators and it seems i might be over stocked however my tank visually looks good and fish seem to be happy enough all have their own areas and none are really fighting or overtly aggressive towards any of the other tank mates.

My tank is 252litres 60cm tall 40cm wide and 105cm length. The filter is an external fluval 307. Water changes are done approximately every 2 weeks water parameters never change soft water with ph about 6.5-7.5max and 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and less than 20 nitrate. Water temp around the 25degC mark. No live plants only artificial deco.

Current stock has been same for the last 6 months +/-
1x Angelfish
1x 3 spot Gourami
3x Polka Dot Loaches
2x Bristlenose Plec (both are still young 6month and both female)
1x Red Tailed Shark
4x Scissor Tailed Tetra
1x Balloon Mollie
6x Snake Skin Barbs
3x Tiger barbs
2x Green Tiger barbs
6x Odessa Barbs (3 male 3 female)
In my opinion, absolutely yes. But I always go with a low bioload for various reasons such as water parameters 'cushion,' growth of fish etc. Some of those fish will get big.
Post a picture showing the entire tank.

How often do you feed the fish and what do you feed them?

How much water do you change every 2 weeks?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?

How often and how do you clean the filter?
What filter materials/ media are in the filter?

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