All the aquatic animals you’ve kept

Well, I've just updated my livebearer stocklist.
These are the livebearer species that I keep at this very moment:


Endlers (K-class):

Crimson red scarlet
Snakeskin (Cobra)
Tuxedo, HB, Black flame
Santa maria bleeding heart
Blue star blonde
Leopard (grey & blonde based)
Red tiger
Blonde red tiger
Yellow saddleback
Black hat cobra
Black cobra
Hamburger (Karen Koomans)

Cumana endlers:
Wild orange
Yellow top sword

Campoma endlers:
Campoma nr.3
Campoma nr.7
Campoma nr.9
Campoma nr 21
Campoma nr. 42
El tigre
Blue star
Campoma nr.46, snake chest
Campoma nr.31, blue snake

Poecilia reticulata

Rio casanay
Surinam green
Baja california
Poecilia kempkesi, Paramaribo,
Anton Drachtenweg, 2005, Surinam
Poecilia kempkesi maculatus 2013
Poecilia obscura
Istanbul, lab strain
Smaragd iridescent, Winge 1927,
lab strain
Rio tefe
Japan blue

Fancy guppies
Ginga rubra blonde
Ginga kinubali
Panda lutino
Panda white platinum blonde
½ Black gold roundtail
High end ritz DS gray
High end ritz DS blonde
Filigree topsword blonde
Japan blanco
Snow white
Tuxedo red koi
Platinum koi
Black laser
Tuxedo red roundtail
Vienna emerald blond,
lowersword (bunt)
Vienna emerald blond,
doublesword (bunt)
Vienna emerald grey,

Xiphophorus pygmaeus
Xiphophorus continens
Xiphophorus helleri yucatan
Xiphophorus helleri alvarezi
Xiphophorus rio papaloapan
Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl
Xiphophorus variatus la laguna
Xiphophorus milleri
Xiphophorus xiphidium twin spot
Xiphophorus meyeri
Xiphophorus variatus DDR strain blue
Xiphophorus variatus DDR strain grey
Xiphophorus maculatus Chuco’s place 2019
Xiphophorus maculatus Belize purpur 2003
Xiphophorus maculatus Nueva luria Quintana
Xiphophorus maculatus coral red
Xiphophorus signum
Xiphophorus kallmani
Xiphophorus helleri Jalapa
Xiphophorus helleri Palengue
Xiphophorus Rio jimba

Limia perugiae
Limia nigrofasciata
Limia vittata
Limia tiger (islai)
Limia melanogaster
Limia tridens

Brachyrhaphis roseni

Priapichthys annectens

Chocolate molly black eyed
Chocolate molly albino
Poecilia sphenops red
Poecilia Mexicana
Poecilia salvatoris
Poecilia cuneata
Poecilia velifera

Phalloceros caudimaculatus
Phalloceros caudimaculatus

Ameca splendens
Xenotoca eisini, San marcos (Xenotoca doadrioi)
Characodon lateralis
Characodon audax, El toboso
Ataeniobius toweri
Neotoca bilineata
Girardinichthys viviparus
Zoogoneticus tequila
Zoogoneticus purhepechus
Chapalichthys pardalis
Alloophorus robustus

Poeciliopsis gracilis

Micropoecilia picta

Phallichthys quadripunctatus
Phallichthys pittieri
Phallichthys tico

Girardinus metallicus
Girardinus uninotatus

Xenophallus umbratilis

Nano livebearers
Heterandria formosa
Neoheterandria elegans
Neoheterandria tridentiger

Currently also working on new strains of hybrid endlers and guppies which aren’t listed yet as well.
nice, how is the pure black molly strain going?

also where did you get Priapichthys?
nice, how is the pure black molly strain going?

also where did you get Priapichthys?
I got rid of the black mollies.
Those Priapichthys annectens were purchased from a german breeder.
I got rid of the black mollies.
Those Priapichthys annectens were purchased from a german breeder.
aww. did they all die or some are in a mutt tank?
oh, online or inperson?
aww. did they all die or some are in a mutt tank?
oh, online or inperson?
Nope. I've sold those black mollies.
I'm focusing more on wild species of mollies. The fancy versions at this moment that I'd like to keep are the chocolate mollies (albino and black eyed) and the red mollies. I still have some silver mollies (Poecilia velifera) that may move to another owner. And there's a socalled marmelade molly. That one has been born from a marmelade molly that I once saved from being flushed.
Nope. I've sold those black mollies.
I'm focusing more on wild species of mollies. The fancy versions at this moment that I'd like to keep are the chocolate mollies (albino and black eyed) and the red mollies. I still have some silver mollies (Poecilia velifera) that may move to another owner. And there's a socalled marmelade molly. That one has been born from a marmelade molly that I once saved from being flushed.
nice, i like the Poecilia Mexicana

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