All the aquatic animals you’ve kept

If it's been imported into Australia, I have kept it.
If it's native to Australia or New Guinea, there's a chance I have kept it.
If it's small and comes from the ocean, I have probably kept it.

Some of the stuff I have kept includes:
frogs, newts, turtles, all sorts of fresh & salt water shrimp and crayfish, crabs, sea anemones, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, corals, dumpling squid, cuttlefish, octopus, fresh and saltwater stingrays, a small saltwater shark, stonefish, bullrout, Butis, barramundi, saratoga, numerous perch, Lepidogalaxias, Galaxias, Galaxiella, rainbowfish, fresh and saltwater eels, fresh and saltwater catfish, pacu, most cichlids, most tetras, most barbs, most rasboras and danios, fresh and saltwater butterflyfish, fresh & saltwater angelfish, blennies, fresh & saltwater gobies, damselfish, wrasses, leather jackets & triggerfish, batfish, seahorses, pipefish, rotifers, gammarids, daphnia,

there's probably more but can't think clearly now.
Like @Colin_T if it can be imported into NZ then I have kept it. I have done only a little with Marine. If a freshwater fish can be bred, then I have bred it (With a few exceptions). I have also experimented with fish not usually bred.
Oh god. Literally hundreds of species, if not thousands. I've spent my whole adult life working in the hobby so I've had access to many and opportunity to rehome to trusted homes.

Right now:

Three stripe mud turtle
Blue ribbon tetra
Blueberry tetra
Kyburzi tetra
Pygmy chain loach
Skunk loach
Bristlenose plecostomus
Otocinclus catfish
Pygmy cory
German ram
Betta splendens
Betta coccina
Crossocheilus reticulatus
Pterodoras granulosus
Megalodoras uranoscopus
Polypterus ornatipinnis
Polypterus tuesgeli
Polypterus endlercheri
Polypterus delhezi
Polypterus polli
Polypterus senegalus
Polypterus bichir
Vulture catfish
Tomochicla tuba
Cuban cichlid
Firemouth cichlid
Vieja breidohri
Vieja melanura
Vieja melanura var. Synspilla
Vieja maculicauda
Vieja zonatus
Vieja fenestratus var. Marbled
Maskaheros argenteus
Texas cichlid
Red tail giant gourami

I think that's it?
OML! I dont know if I could handle that all!
Cool thread :)

fish ive kept/have :
Rosy,Denison,Odessa ,Black ruby, Cherry,Pentazona
Ellioti,Bocourti,Rainbow,Apistogramma Panduro
Catfish/bottom dwellers
Panda,Pepper,Bronze,Albino (Pepper & Bronze) Otto,Hoplo,Pictus,Bn pleco
Dwarf neon
Sanke koi
What does "kept" imply? I'm assuming it means: kept in a tank in a controlled habitat. However, for fun, I'll include things I've caught in streams and rivers and the beach and lakes.
1) Bad tank(back in hong kong before I Researched i killed a lot of fish(sorryyyyy I was young and inexperiencedddd)
kuhli loach
glowfish danios
some type of goby

2) Good tank/new tank/the one that I have right now
Betta(idk what type probably plakat)
cherry shrimp
assassin snail
ramshorn snail
cardinal tetra
boraras maculatus
harlequins I believe? Some type of rasbora

3) Things I've caught :werewolf: (yes I catch and release)
Blacknose dace
marbled crayfish
some minnows
toebiter aka giant water bug aka water beetle scary thingy that I will never see again because THEY'RE SO FREAKING CREEPYAAAAAA
Saltwater baitfish(not sure what type I Just found it at a stream in hong kong at the beach)
some black prawn shrimp things that were spawning
this massive saltwater fish the size of my torso I swear I was so close to catching it it was right there ahhhhh
baby gar
baby bullhead

Yeah that's pretty much it
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6 tanks in the house with:
Tiger barbs
Siamese algae eaters
Zebra danios
Yucatan mollies
Serpae tetra
Assassin snails (and their prey)
Salt and pepper corys
African clawed frogs
Kuhli loaches

~400 tanks at work with:
Many many different types of clownfish :)
haha i just searched up yucatan mollies, funny little guys
betta splendens
blue gourami
Patzcuaro dwarf crayfish
guppy (lots of breeds)
red-eared slider
horse leech
pond snail
ramshorn snail
oranda goldfish
assassin snail
cherry shrimp
pepper corydoras
common pleco
bristlenose pleco
Nile tilapia
Malaysian trumpet snail
hermit crab
goodea atripinnis
green swordtail
mayfly larva

yeah, I think that's all.
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Convicts? :p
shhh, my ancestors were convicts. But they were more black & white striped, whereas I am pink and blue :)

The Cracker Aboriginals got their name from one of my early ancestors that was sent here with the first fleet. British & French ancestry on one side (Cracker is meant to be pronounced Crac-qwer) My friends used to joke and say the Aboriginals were fine until my ancestors added their blood to them. Now they are all screwed up. It wouldn't surprise me if they were right though :)
shhh, my ancestors were convicts. But they were more black & white striped, whereas I am pink and blue :)

The Cracker Aboriginals got their name from one of my early ancestors that was sent here with the first fleet. British & French ancestry on one side (Cracker is meant to be pronounced Crac-qwer) My friends used to joke and say the Aboriginals were fine until my ancestors added their blood to them. Now they are all screwed up. It wouldn't surprise me if they were right though :)
I always knew you were dodgy; it is your fascination for cats that gives it away, your ancestors were cat burglars. No wonder they were sent to Australia.

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