All My Fish Are Dying

You may have had a spike in nitrites. Not to say what is wrong with yours but I have tried to add neons several times to my tank and they have all died and usually cause 1 or more fish to become ill. i think they are just prone to certain illness as i have stopped adding them to my tank and everything is fine. I have had my tank now over 7 months and I must say that the cycling in my tank lasted up to the third month. I had a fish cycled tank and biological filter. Once it cycles you know because your fish are happy and really get m,ore active. Those that furvive that is :) Good luck to you. My advice stay away from those doggone neons :)

my tank ( the 29 gal) has been set up two months. I had 8 neons, a female betta, a baby angelfish, and 3 siamese algae eaters. All of the fish were happy, full collor swimming around without nipping at eachother. The water and temp were perfect 29f 0 nitrate 0 nitrite the water was soft, and the ph was 6.5 acidity was normal.. The plants in my tank were also healthy, i could tell because they were rooting, and i saw the anglfish uprooting them, so i think im going to take it back to the store.

I was feeding them the average tetra min flake food and i made sure they alll got enough, so i know they diddnt die from no food.

four nights ago, three of my neons died
three nights ago the rest of my neons died
two nights ago no fish died (yay)
last night my favortie betta died and one of my siamese algae eaters died (luckily i took a picture of the girl betta last night)
now all i have is the two siamese algae eaters and the baby angel who also have no signs of disease

can someone please tell me what happened!!!!!!!!!!! I dont want any more fish to die!

ps, any tips on finding dead fish in a planted tank? :-( *sniff sniff*

the fish just go to sleep and never wake up.


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