
The first time I ever looked at those star comparison videos on you tube it totally blew my mind, lol.

You think you have a sort of understanding in your head of how big stuff is out there, but when you see actual images it just leaves you breathless.

Not just the size of stuff either, but the distances involved when you start talking on a universal scale. Mindboggling.
Somewhere there is online zoom app that goes from strings to known universe. You can zoom into the smallest or zoom out to the largest.
When I used to cross into the US, there was an "alien Registration" desk at customs. Need I say more?
My dad is a legal alien in the US
My neighbor is an alien... She's weird... :eek:
In answer to Itiwhetu's original question: The aliens are interested in America because we're the inventors of both the Blues and cranberry juice. It's a proven fact that aliens love singing the blues. While drinking cranberry juice.

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