Algae Eater For Malawi Tank?


Awwww c'mon guys...would you want to kiss it???? Euuuk!!

You kiss your fish Cheffi? I wouldnt kiss any fish.
Looks just like my BN but no i wouldn't kiss him. :lol:
if you're having problems cycling your tank i can highly recommend a product called stabilize by seachem i think. it work brilliantly when i had my hand forced it getting 2 calvus for 8 quid and had ONE day to set up the tank within 24 hours it had completely cycled the tank. don't know how it must be magic. and before you all shoot me down in flames i've kept fish 24 years, used to work in a fish store for 2 and a half years maintaining and stocking 130 tanks, and most importantly the calvus were and still are fine!!

sorry for going off-topic there
if you're having problems cycling your tank i can highly recommend a product called stabilize by seachem i think. it work brilliantly when i had my hand forced it getting 2 calvus for 8 quid and had ONE day to set up the tank within 24 hours it had completely cycled the tank. don't know how it must be magic. and before you all shoot me down in flames i've kept fish 24 years, used to work in a fish store for 2 and a half years maintaining and stocking 130 tanks, and most importantly the calvus were and still are fine!!

sorry for going off-topic there

Not going to flame and im not doubting your knowledge but due to my experience i woulnt trust any of these "Cycle in days" things.
I also don't see how they can work unless they work somewhere along the lines of ammolock and something that also locks nitrites so they give you zero readings but actually you don't have the beneficial bacteria there doing the job just something that kind of neutralizes the ammonia and nitrite. Do you get what I mean? Or does it sound gobbledygook?

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