Alasse's Tanks

there's photo's in the first post gmc .... I'm a little bit jealous! there is.yeah my garage is starting to look a little different.
I'll post updated pics once i get the room rearranged and everything settled :)
Off today to order the stand for the 6x2x2, YAY, then the goldies can move into the bigger tank, once i round up some hands to move the tank from outside to inside lol. The stand will take at least 3 weeks to be made and arrive in store though.

The 4.7ft tank isnt here yet, am hoping this weekend coming. I just hope the seller is messing me around. time will tell i spose.
So the seller messed me around, i had a feeling, not happy! Instead a house mate has swapped her 120gal for my 80gal tank......the goldies are currently living in there until the stand i ordered for the 180gal arrives. Sadly i lost one of the baby calicos, and another appears to have swim bladder issues, pther than that setback they are going well

Now the discus/angels were in the 80gal, they have now moved to the 90gal tank it is planted, but differently, am now waiting on plants ordered. i have also ordered 2 wave makers for the tank to get more water movement.
The 2 divided tanks have moved to a different part of the fish room, while they were down i changed the substrate so all 6 sections are now the same.
Loki is getting a couple of new tank mates on Thursday, 2x eel tailed catfish, just for a bit more activity. His tank is moving down to the fish room, so will get a bit of a makeover. The axolotl lank that sits underneath Loki's tank  will also get a small makeover

The planted tetra tank is moving to a different room, i am hoping to just be able to fully drain the tank and move it, but we will see, it is very heavy to start with, so not sure how it will go with everything but water and fish in it.

Severus's tank will be moving to a different part of the room it is in to make room for the 6ft when the stand arrives.
I will more than likely sell a few of the smaller tanks then depends what i feel i can fit in the house comfortably lol
the african tank is gorgeous!!
i bet you can sit there for hours and watch all those little fishies!! 
Today i am going to attempt to move the planted tank out of the fish room and the tanks with Loki and the axolotl into the fish room, wish me luck! Sadly i am thinking i will need to pull many of the plants to catch the fish out, not happy about that, but i need pretty much all the water out of the tank....

I also have some news lol

I have inherited a bunch of tanks, stands and filters etc. Many of these will be setup where the 6ft currently is, outside. I am heading into breeding axolotls, i have my first batch of eggs (some have now hatched). We have 16 adult axolotls in the house so far of varying colours and sexes (always on the lookout for more lol) Am really looking forward to the challenge of raising these guys, especially through the summer here, will be a bit of trial and error til we work out a way to get them through.....

Sorry i havent updated any pics for a while, i am just wanting to get all the tank sorted and in their places, then brace yourselves, photos WILL come lol
Well sadly the planted had to be demolished, it is moved to a temp spot, now emptying Lokis tank, then onto emptying the axolotl tank. Once all empty i'll move them to the new spot, i hope lol I am moving them alone, thank goodness for floor sliders!! Then give them a clean and reset them up....will be far better in the fish room

Planted will probably be down at least a day while i rearrange and decide where to set it back up......First i want to move the other 4ft to a different corner, then everything is ready for the 6ft to move into place once the stand is here.
I have moved the planted tank to a 3ft tank (i think i will sell the custom 2ft that was planted......maybe lol) Tank has had back and sides painted, is in place (boy was a squeeze!), Substrate, and hardscape in, tank has been mostly filled and is running, tomorrow i will start planting it.

1 tank left to move and the spot is ready for the 6ft.....thankfully. I have been going for 12 hours lol I am stuffed! I will soooooooo pay for doing too much today.

So all going well, there will be all new pics tomorrow night
Wow! lots of exciting projects :)
Can't wait to see what happens ;)
Yeah tis getting there.....will look much better once all organised. The tank areas currently look like a bomb has gone off lol. All will be back in place tomorrow i hope......

The cherry shrimp tub will also be going outside, I noticed some survived winter outside unheated, so all will be going out into a pond. Yay for no more permanent tub in the middle of my fish room floor lol

Once this last tank is moved, nothing more can be done until the stand arrives for the 6ft. Once it is here, and the 6ft tank is inside, the fun will start outside to set up for the axolotl breeding and raising
The 6ft stand arrived today, they delivered it for me which was a bonus. Will take it out and paint it tomorrow. Then onto organising for some peeps to help move the tank itself.

I managed to get some pics, not all the tanks though as some are still waiting their makeovers.
Severus's tank

Loki's tank

The planted, now moved to the other 5ft tank

The old planted, now belongs to my housemate

My axolotl tank

And what i pulled out of it today lol

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