Alasse's Tanks

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So most of the tanks are now at my new place, just Beastie to be moved now, and the cherry shrimp pond

Some photos
The 6ft (this tank is in its permanent home now)

Stock: Angels, Discus, Dwarf loach, Neon tetra, Cardinal tetra, Silver tip tetra, Glolight tetra, Black neon tetra, Corydoras, Paradise fish, Peppermint BN, Common BN, Apistogramma, and i will be adding more corydoras in the next week
5ft (this tank will be moving to the fish shed once built)

Stock: Oscars, Silver dollars, Eel tail cats
5ft (this tank will be moving to the fish shed once built)

Stock: Severums, Clown loaches, Bristlenose, Goldspot pleco, & BGK
4ft (moving once shed built)

Stock: Fancy goldfish
SunSun tank

Stock: Guppies (still cloudy as i took pic after adding new sand, will try for a nicer pic tonight)
You have a BGK? I am so jealous.
So turns out the green sev i bought is female, i thought it was but can be hard to tell sometimes, anyway Severus now thinks she is a bit of alright, as they are digging a pit and are now inseparable!! YAY!!

I have also just picked up a gold severum breeding pair, these guys are in a tank that is, i will admit, a bit small, but it wont be a permanent home.
All the fish are at my new house......4 tanks still left to move. Will be emptying these today, the smaller ones i will put in my car, the larger one will have to wait until Hubby get home.

We are hoping to be fully into the new house by Sun-Mon, then i can get back into some photo updates :)
Not much has changed here

The gold sev and the new green sev have now paired up, they did spawn, but the loaches i had in the tank soon cleaned up any eggs. They do now have the tank fully to themselves to try again. The tank is also pretty much plant free as they were shoving them all from one end to the other trying to find the perfect spawning site (they have 3 potential spots so far lol)

The gold sev pair it turns out were ill, currently being treated for white spot and a nasty finrot/fungus type thing, they are finally responding to the treatments. (the tank truly is a quagmire of meds lol)

The guppies have all moved into a 4ft planted tank (breeding like bunnies lol)

Will update with photos once i can find the program (still packed somewhere lol) that will allow my new laptop to download them.
I lost the gold sev pair, sadly a satchet they put in with shoes etc to keep out the damp managed to get into their tank, i found it when cleaning the tank out :( Absolutely devastated!!

We are also losing quite a few of our axolotls, they have not done well at all with the move. We are trying very hard to get the remaining back upto weight, only time will tell.

Now onto some happier stuff
I have planted up a 4ft tank, now home to the guppies, a calico bn trio and a heap of small bronze cories (they need to grow out a bit before they can go in with the angels

The planted angel tank

The oscar tank

The goldie tank
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So i had a little bit of tank shuffle. Tron has moved to a different tank, the peps have moved into Tron's old tank, this leaves the peps old 5ft tank spare......or not (for long lol)

Gave the tank a good clean out, very basic setup now, sand and a few black lava rocks. Tank is running 3 large sponge filters only, has a heater but it wont be running as its summer here currently.

So i got offered, way cheaper than normal price, 5 stunning ranchus, the store made an error and moved them to a deep tank and they missed a CAE that was in with the last fish that were in residence.
2 of the ranchu copped a flogging from the CAE (they really are a mongrel fish, nasty things!), it chewed all along their backs, 1 of them is in a quite bad way, fingers crossed it will come good.
I dumped in some multicure to keep any bacteria or fungus at bay while the worst guy and the other chewed on one try to recover. I will have to buy some salt, after the 3 days in the muticure, i'll do a large water change and add some salt to thicken up their slime coat, hopefully then they will just need nice clean water from many water changes.....poor babies.

I cant grab a pic currently as all you can see is green water from the meds (oh boy is it green!!), and you can see the ranchus unless they are right at the front glass. Once the meds have been removed i'll grab some pics of them....such big fat beasties lol
Sooo been a while

Some pic updates
620T is now a paladurium

The oscar tank

Silver dollar tank

Peppermint BN colony

Goldies tank

Ranchu tank (and 1 oranda lol)

Angel tank

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