Alasse's Tanks

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Very nice

May be bit of a silly question but are all the plants in the cichlid tank real?
The discus tank is really very nice, something I'd appreciate if I was to do something similar.
Ch4rlie said:
Very nice

May be bit of a silly question but are all the plants in the cichlid tank real?
The discus tank is really very nice, something I'd appreciate if I was to do something similar.
Thanks :)

The african plants are fake, tried real plants and they got a bit of a hiding from this lot

I will be adding some angels in with the discus when i find some to my liking
fantastic tanks...
you definitely have a green thumb and a knack for decorating tanks 
Hey Alasse, love your tanks! Quick question - how do you keep your axies cool during summer? I live in NSW and have always wanted some axies, but just worry about keeping them at the right temp during Dec/Jan/Feb.
luca1980 said:
Hey Alasse, love your tanks! Quick question - how do you keep your axies cool during summer? I live in NSW and have always wanted some axies, but just worry about keeping them at the right temp during Dec/Jan/Feb.
Hiya :)

I just up the air bubblers to get maximum surface cooling. :) Worked so far for all the tanks (shrimp included)
So we are having a bit of a tank inhabitant shuffle here…so as of today
6ft - Australian long fin eel & Feeder goldies
6ft - Native shrimp (sump of above tank)
5ft - Planted, Discus, Tetras, Clown loaches, Albino cories, Platinum gouramis & Peppermint BN (will be some angels added tomorrow i hope)
5ft - African cichlids
5ft - Peppermint BN colony
4ft - Severum, Black ghost knife & Gold spot pleco
4ft - Oscars
3.5ft - Axolotls
3ft - Planted, Tetras, Dwarf loaches, Female bettas & Peppermint BN
3ft - Being pulled down
2.5ft - Peppermint juvie BN & Apple snail breeding
2.5ft - The tank has been fully cleaned, new substrate in, 2 dividers (tank is now in 3 sections), Will become home to some male betta at some stage.
2.5ft - Picking up from repairer this week, will be divided and become home to some more betta
2.5ft - Paradise fish
2ft - Fancy goldfish (this is not a standard sized tank)
2x tubs - Red cherry shrimp breeding
1x pond - Comet goldfish
1x pond - Going to be emptied for winter

All other tanks currently pulled down for winter

Changes planned
3ft - Planted - Am very tempted to pull this down and move a lot of the plants into the custom 2ft currently holding the goldies & also into the 5ft planted, the fish will move into the custom 2ft as well as they are unsuited to move into the 5ft (potential to be eaten by the discus and angels)
2.5ft - Pep juvies & Apple snails - The peps will be moving to some a tub for growouts The Apple snails will also be moving to a different tank. This tank will become home to the Fancy goldies.
2.5ft - Paradise fish - This tank is getting a rescape

2ft - Fancy goldies are moving out and tank will possible be planted

Tubs planned for
Peppermint Juvie growout
Quarantine of new arrivals
Apple snail breeding

The 3ft planted will be pulled down, i need the tank size, i got sucked into buying 2 new orandas today, and while they are temporarily in the custom 2ft, it really is not big enough for 5 goldies

I bought 7 angels today which are now in with the discus.
I picked up some val to add to either the 5ft or the custom 2ft

I bought a mountain ornament to add to the custom 2ft

About to go start the above moved around and placement.

Also will then get around to scaping the paradise fish tank

So much to keep track of, I don't know how you do it >.< Grats on the new orandas, can't wait to see them! :)
Yeah there are a few lol I enjoy them though regardless, they help keep my mind off the bad stuff thats been going on
a few updated pics

The tetra tank

The goldie tank (cloud from new substrate)

The oscar tank

The discus/angel tank

The african tank

The betta tank (only 1 male in residence so far, and cloudy from new substrate)
Picked up 2 new crowntail betta boys today for the betta tank.....
Also came home with 2 new goldies lol. So i am now on the lookout for a 4ft tank to replace the 3ft
Hows the artificial grass in the Oscar tank  going any problems?
Picked up 2 new crowntail betta boys today for the betta tank.....
And you didn't provide photos?  I have a crowntail with " personality " he flares at anything and anybody attacks the siphon hose even has a go at my fingers when I put them to close to the glass or in the tank.
Akasha72 said:
 the discus tank ... 
Thank you
NickAu said:
Hows the artificial grass in the Oscar tank  going any problem
And you didn't provide photos?  I have a crowntail with " personality " he flares at anything and anybody attacks the siphon hose even has a go at my fingers when I put them to close to the glass or in the tank.
No problems at all, super easy to clean compared to sand/gravel
Letting them settle in before i try to take photos.

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