ahhhh...Is there such thing as too many fish?


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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virginia beach,va
hello all.

i recently joined your forum and am in love with your betta thread, so much great info.

just a quick background then my question. about 5 months ago i got my first betta. it was in remembrance of a coworker who passed away, she loved her fish (samson the betta is now a shrine at the end of her desk!!!!!!)

well as you guys know one begat two and so on.

i soon after purchased a pale blue/white plakat and a pinky color double tail, that brought me up to 3.

a month later i wa at lfs and noticed some of the bettas had ick and most had clamped fins, i quickly pointed it out to the employee who had no clue what i was talking about she looked at me like i was an idiot, so i swooped up two that looked pretty bad, not moving in the tank. the employee even told me i picked a great male and female pair (inreality it was 2 females!!) they are a gorgous cherry red color and are plakats as well.

so now im up to 5!!! and all fishies are very well and happy

now my question, my hubby got me two pairs of fish at aquabid for our anniversary!
a steel blue/ turqous half moon pair and a pastel blue/cellophane pair with a blue loss gene (to be honest i have no idea wht that means!)

he also threw in a trio of cherry red bettas yaaahhhh
now i have to find room for them

i already had a small ten gallon tank cycling as a tropical community tank, which is now becoming a female betta tank (my husband willingly gave up his project!)
i currently have three harlequin rasboras in there, does anyone know if they will be ok with the females, im expecting four females and was going to add one of the cherry plakats to wqual 5 females total! (the other female tries to bite my finger so im afraid to put her with anyone else)

what else can i put in there, it is a planted tank, i was thinking round out the rasboras to 5 (they are happier that way ive heard but thats probably too many fishies)
and some panda or pygmy cories!!

thanx for any helpful suggestions i appreciate it!

i will post pics of the ones we bought
my upcoming fishy boys!!!


I don't have an answer for your questions, but I've got to say those are some gorgeous bettas! :wub: :wub: You have a wonderful husband too! Lucky girl you are! :rofl:
i have another question

these are still youngins and
the cellophane fishy has a very distinctive shape, do you guys think it might grow into a crowntail (his momma is a crowntail) or will it stay that shape?
I think 5 rasboras and 5 female bettas will be too much for a 10. Just 5 females would be fine though. I've also heard good things about cories and bettas.

You are one lucky girl! :thumbs: THat's a good husband because those are gorgeous fish.

I think that one fish with the blue loss gene will be a rosetail. My crownie didn't have a tail like that when she was young.
Welcome to the forum, and congrats on the new fish -- they're gorgeous :drool:
The cellophane's tail will probably stay that way, or his crowns may get a little longer with age. I really like how his tail looks; very unique.

I think 5 females would be good in the 10 gallon, but I don't think you could squeeze any more rasboras in there with them... with 5 female bettas and 3 rasboras it's pretty much stocked. If you wanted, though, you could return the rasboras in favour of cories... that's what I'd do, were it me (but I'm biased against rasboras, lol)
Yeah, that crown is really unique. Not really a crown, but I don't really know how else to describe it... interesting. Too many pets? NAH. I have 11 fish, 3 snails, 2 cats, a rat, a hamster, 3 tree frogs, 3 leopard geckos and 2 crested geckos. That's 26. So don't worry, I think you're still under 10, correct? :p When you start getting like... 3 in the bathroom, multiples on the nightstands and in every other piece of flat space, it's a problem.

Don't worry, you'll be right at home here. :)
:p hehe no there is no such that as too many fish :D ... o.o pretty bettas hehe i have managed to last... ummm with 3 bettas right now (had 4 but one died) so for like a month now i have bought 2 bettas and stole one :p (dont ever EVER steal a betta its a hard thing to do)
ya'll have no self control :p

I just have my one sweet little betta, Rascal.....also

One Doberman Pinscher, and one Cockatiel

Ya'll wear me out with your water changes!


i would have to disagree with those above not recommending getting 2 more rasboras....harlequins stay tiny and produce very little waste...getting TWO MORE would not increase your bioload by much at all, IMO....i say 5 female bettas and 5 harlequins would be great!

oh yea, and if they returned the rasboras for cories, they should get at least 4 cories which would end up equaling 12" of fairly high-waste-producing fish, instead of 7-10" of low-waste-producing rasboras...the worst idea, IMO, would be cories...i would get 3 ghost shrimp or so for a cleanup crew on the bottom instead
ok so heres the current plan

have the four females in the tank that are on the way (should be here friday) and later trade the rasboras in for pygmy cories!! or what my husband will try is "oh so that means we need another tank, cool!!"

we live in an apartment for now (moving soon!!) and will now have 13 bettas three rasboras ans three rats, so it looks like a zoo!!

i have a long divider shelf between two romms and have the males lined up in half gallon bowls right now, not my favoite size, though. my plan is to buy a 20 long aquarium and divide it so my boys will have much more room to play! that will probably come afterr we move!

i am going to try and take pics of the current fishies so i can post them too!!

i read in the posts that the cellophanes tail my be a rosetail, does anyone else agree? and if so would the trait carry on if i bred him?

the man from rays bettas (http://www.raysbettas.netfirms.com/index.htm) is sending me two females to go with the fishies i won (he didnt specify what color exactly just they would be either steel blue, royal blue, or turquoise and he would send me two different ones) i am also getting two pairs of red bettas for free, so i will have a lot to play with as far as breeding goes in a few months (yaaahhhhh) i saw the red spawn on his site and there are some beautiful butterflies, so fingers crossed.

if you havent guessed by now im a talker (well i guess a writer!!) and tend to rant on the forums so thank you ahead of time for listening to my rant!!)
feralcelt2 said:
just saw the post about the shrimp adn i really like that idea!!
good, i just don't like the idea of a school of cories in with the 5 bettas already in a 10 gallon....in my 10 gallon, i kind of have the opposite thing working....i have a single male betta, 4 cories, and 5 khuli loaches (until theyre big enough not to get attacked/eaten/harrassed in my larger tank lol) - and that is completely stocked, probably overstocked when the cories are larger...

pygmy cories would work, but i think ghost shrimp you would find (not only cheaper) but more interesting - and they will do an excellent job at cleaning up excess food!

hope that helps!

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