African Ropefish.

Commander Cool

Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Today while at Petco I saw a very cool fish. It was an African ropefish about 6 inches long. Does anyone know anything about these fish? I really want one but I do not know what size tank I will need. Also what do they eat? Thanks for any help!
all i know is they get 2 feet long and need a compete minimum of 55g if not not bigger. They probably eat live or frozen food like ghost shrimp but again im not an expert at these.
yup, i usta have a avatar of a dragon goby and then changed it, but forgot to change my sig......i will now :D
The African Rope (or Reed) Fish is Erpetoichthys calabaricus, a member of the Family Polypteridae (related to the bichirs). They are predatory towards anything that will fit in their mouth but not particularly aggressive toward fish they cannot swallow. E. calabaricus does reach a length of up to 24 inches but even a large one would feel at home in a 40 gallon tank and a smaller one could be kept in a 20 or 29 gallon tank for years (and they live to be about 20+ years old). They like a heavily-planted (live or artificial) tank with a few hiding places (caves or driftwood). Rope Fish do not do well with overly aggressive tank-mates (like larger cichlids). Unlike some of their bichir cousins, E. calabaricus tolerates others of its own kind and they can be kept in small groups. Feeding is relatively simple. They like any sort of 'meaty' food....frozen bloodworms are one of their favorites. I feed mine a varied diet including frozen bloodworms, pieces of frozen beef heart (occasionally), pieces of frozen shrimp or krill and sinking pellet-type food broken into appropriate sized pieces (Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets are the ones I use most often).

Hope this helps

Thanks alot Fruitbat. I will have to wait a while before I can get one because I need a larger tank but I will probably get one in the future.
jst spoke to my friend and he told me to ask you guys could it be swelling of eggs becouse he said thy can do tht ?? im still puzzled ??

Learn to spell!

You cant go through life relying on other people's ability to decode the crazy ramblings of a fish hater.

I love fish, get over it!

I bet your only asking these questions to perpetuate your anti-fish agenda. You're probably seeking information about the african rope fish so you can create a super virus to destroy it!
jst spoke to my friend and he told me to ask you guys could it be swelling of eggs becouse he said thy can do tht ?? im still puzzled ??

Learn to spell!

You cant go through life relying on other people's ability to decode the crazy ramblings of a fish hater.

I love fish, get over it!

I bet your only asking these questions to perpetuate your anti-fish agenda. You're probably seeking information about the african rope fish so you can create a super virus to destroy it!
? :dunno: :stupid:
jst spoke to my friend and he told me to ask you guys could it be swelling of eggs becouse he said thy can do tht ?? im still puzzled ??

Learn to spell!

You cant go through life relying on other people's ability to decode the crazy ramblings of a fish hater.

I love fish, get over it!

I bet your only asking these questions to perpetuate your anti-fish agenda. You're probably seeking information about the african rope fish so you can create a super virus to destroy it!
? :dunno: :stupid:

i agree bomar666

but there was probably a fight or something and a mod cut it out and spliced the convo back together... ????

*note* sad confused because i would like to know what happened...

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