African brown knife

Hmmm Mine was with Austraillian Rainbow Fish. Though My rainbows seem aggresive he the Knife is tougher and never gets picked on. Nothing happened with him with a a spiny eel. Though the knife chomps down on Ghost Shrimp and Earthworms and an occasional Guppy here or there. Just Nothing Like a Neon Tetra. I hear they use electrical currents to find stuff in the dark. Then I dont think its a good combo with an elephant nose or a Black Ghost knife.
umm no i dont think an african brown knife uses a electrical organ to find its food, technically its not a true knife. but iunno if thats correct or not i just remember readin about it.
Back to the original question of what you can keep with Xenomystus nigri - the African Brown Knife: I currently keep mine with Bush Fish (Ctenopoma and Microctenopoma species), medium-sized bichirs (Polypterus species), African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi) and Synodontis catfish. It generally isn't a good idea to keep them with other Knife Fish or with Mormyrids (Elephant-nose Fish) because they're all considered to be 'weakly electric' and there seems to occasionally be a problem with their electical fields interfering with each other and leading to fights.


I did some research and they should be alright with Synodontis Catfish, Elephant Noses, and Baby Whales.

Also intresting bit of info is that they make noises by pushing air through their swimbladders.

Good Luck choosing,

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