Advice Wanted On New Fish!

If they are an invasive species, deal with them now. Most machanical methods of killing snails (manual removal) will leave eggs, and you will forever be pulling the little so-and-so's out. I'd use a copper based snail killer at double dose while no fish are in there, as most solutions will knock out the filters or fish or both. Copper is fine for the filters but hard on the fish and some plants. I'd use the copper for a week to remove the snails and the young when they hatch, and have most of that copper removed at the water-change, removing the risk to fish. This will get rid of any snails before they become a pest, and their removal becomes an issue. Watch the ammonia, the rotting snail carcuses may caurse an unexpected rise in ammonia, which could easily go off the chart in a heavy infestation. Remove ornamental snails prior to using any copper in a tank.

If they are an invasive species, deal with them now. Most machanical methods of killing snails (manual removal) will leave eggs, and you will forever be pulling the little so-and-so's out. I'd use a copper based snail killer at double dose while no fish are in there, as most solutions will knock out the filters or fish or both. Copper is fine for the filters but hard on the fish and some plants. I'd use the copper for a week to remove the snails and the young when they hatch, and have most of that copper removed at the water-change, removing the risk to fish. This will get rid of any snails before they become a pest, and their removal becomes an issue. Watch the ammonia, the rotting snail carcuses may caurse an unexpected rise in ammonia, which could easily go off the chart in a heavy infestation. Remove ornamental snails prior to using any copper in a tank.

thanks again :) to be honest i cant really work out what they are - here's a reasonably decent photo if you have any ideas snail photo

in the case of not knowing what they are, I think I'll go on the safe side and kill them all off now - I'm expecting the rest of the cycle to take a week or more from now, so if I do the copper tomorrow it should work out about right (plus the ammonia from the rotting snails will be put to good use) - i can try to clear up most of the waste thats left when I do the water change

any recommendations on what snail killer stuff to use? i've got no idea what this stuff is even called lol!

Common pond snail, so it is an invasive species :crazy: I'd just use copper cure by waterlife, should knock the stuffing out of them :good: Interpet also do a good snail killer, but I don't know what it is based upon.

Common pond snail, so it is an invasive species :crazy: I'd just use copper cure by waterlife, should knock the stuffing out of them :good: Interpet also do a good snail killer, but I don't know what it is based upon.


excellent :) thanks! - if I have time I'll pick some up tonight, but I want rid of these things before my fish arrive =) if they didnt breed quite so fast I'd probably keep them. i'm in a moral dilemma as to whether I should kill Thierry Henry or not.

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