Advice On Which Cories To Choose


New Member
Feb 25, 2007
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i have recently found my otos rasping at the flanks of my discus and so am reverting to a cory guy any advice on what would be the best type of cory to keep with discus would be greatly appreciated. my water parameters are 78-80 and my water is fairly neutral at arounf 7.2. thanks
Firstly 75 gal means absolutely nothing to me, it is the footprint of the tank that determines the amount of fish it can hold. Having said that I would suggest that the species to look for, for a tank with those temperatures would be C. sterbai; C. gossei; C adolfoi or C. sussei, these species do prefer warmer water and a group of 6 would be about right. I would not however advise adding Corys to your tank to just clean up after the Discus, they do have a different dietary requirement than Discus and high protein Discus food would be detrimental the the Corys health.


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