Advice On Where To Get A Cheap Stand


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2008
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After spending a lot of money on a new tank, due to an infestation of Velvet I am retrieving an old tank out of my garage and getting it up and running for the plants and to try and get another tank cycled.

Currently I have had to put it on my kitchen side. I wondered if anyone knew of where I might be able to locate a tank stand without a lot of expense as it's just cost me best part of £100 on new filter, heater, gravel etc.

Many thanks for any advice :)
Your local Freecycle, if you bide your time you can always find what you want, people always getting rid of solid furniture etc on mine
keep an eye on ebay my neoghbour got her 3 ft stand on there for £5
its always worth checking ebay or gumtree aswell
a lot of people dont want the stands :)
Yeah as others have said look on auction or classified ad sites, check out aquarists classified which is a website specificaly for people selling on aquarium stuff. Can't remmeber the exact web addy but google it and you'll find it.

It really depends what's available in your local area, there's an lfs by me which does cheap basic metal stands, they're not that pretty but will certainly do for a stop gap if you're a bit skint now! Not everyone has that in their area though.

if you buy a piece of normal furniture remember to make sure it's good and solid, one litre of water weighs one kilogram so ikea flat pack chip board stuff is not going to support the weight of a bit tank.
1/2" plywood is about all you need. In the US you can get a sheet for right around $30. A couple hours work can turn it into a tank stand for anything up to 30 gallons if you're relatively handy and have the tools.

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