Adoption Thread ~ Kaotic Bettas!


I like the dark solids w/o marbling on the head. Dips is gorgeous. My two girls are solid blue/green and emerald with masks. No names yet.

What color is the first one?
The boy is marble... he just has lots of white/cello at the moment! He had more green before, and his coloring will definitely keep changing. He's one of my favorites :* I can't wait to see his babies!
Ok, I need to see another pic of the first baby.

Forgive my ignorance: Is the cellophane a boy?

What is the 1st fishie? Are the 1st pic and the 2nd pic the same fish? The girl is 2 pics of the same fish? Elise, you need to label these pics. I feel stupider than usual. :)
:lol: It happens, you know those "off " days!

The pics were in order: 2 pictures of the cello-marble boy. 2 pictures of the marble female...then, in my last post, 1 of Dippy.


ps- I noticed last night that the cello-marble boy has this adorable patch of turqoise on his wittle full belly! It's so cute, it looks like an 8!
Speaking of, he already bubbled a nice little bit!! I have a bit of styraphome in there, from a stryrafoam platter. He bubbled all aorund the edges underneath. :wub: :wub:

and I just caught the sneaky little guy trying to wedge himself under the divider! :grr: :lol:
Thanks Sue, you're too nice ;)

I got pictures of my friend Christine's spawn! Well, I didn't get to see them "in the act", because it was in the middle of the night, but I got nest pics. =D the babies are free-swimming now, so I have the boy back (I haven't decided on his name yet.. both parents are siblings from me). As a rough count, she has about 100-150 fry, after losing some in the first couple days. He built his nest in the MIDDLE of the silk plant, so it was hard to take any good pics. I also included a picture of the cute blue/green marble Mommy, Jorge... that was taken right after spawning, he didn't nip her at all. :wub:


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What a proud Daddy! He looks like he's wagging his tail for approval from you. :lol: So cute!
Wow! Ms. Kinky's sister!
Oooh, cuties! Hmm, my boy is off bubblenesting for the girly again...I think they need names. Matching names, of course... :p *clicks off to pick out sappy matching names*

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