Adoption Thread ~ Kaotic Bettas!

9:45pm and I just got unloaded and checked out the thread. The new girls are still in the box, sitting quietly where the Betta boys' tanks are. Fortunately I moved them to a secure position instead of on the back seat before some numb you-know-whats jerked in front of me without warning at 75 mph. Everything but the girls flew around--and Whiskers who was under my knees.

Erica is a nice very mature young woman. My girls are delightful sweet little things. The light one looked right at me and said, "Get me outa here and FEED ME!" :wub:

I will take pics tonight, but I doubt I will get them on the thread tonight.

(Look for my new other BIGGER anouncement!)
I started pics but the card got full. Just too much to do tonight. But the girls are acclimating in some make do spots. The clear/light girl is in 1/2 of Lips' tank. The other girls are going for now into a 10 usg split into three with the boy who took exception to the brochis splendens. Later I have two tanks to clean up: Jack's Hex 5 and an Eclipse 3. I'm not fully convinced how I will arrange everyone.

OooOoh! The girls are in their homes now and are just gorgeous! Such pretty colors!
Eat your hearts out Betta lovers! :p :p :p
Sue I love your dog we had an old english /cross rescue just like that years ago..she was so well behaved and so grateful to us we had her for nearly 12 years. All this talk of Sacramento and California and we are stuck in foggy UK. New fish and a new baby! I am very jealous! :drool:
I haven't even seen the baby yet :( I can't even send flowers to the hospital, because my son called just as I hit the freeway, and I didn't write it down. It's a military hospital. She had c-section. So they are all three at the hospital until Sunday. Cell phones don't work in the hospital. :grr:
So here's the opened box I got from splashluff:

a first look at #7 at home

and again

I did say hi to her in the Folsom shopping center parking lot. She came right up to the edge of the bag and looked right at me and said, "Get me outta here, and Feed ME!" Oh yeah I already said that in this thread. :D
Sorry for being a horrible, terrible updater :p!!!

I ordered all of the other shipping stuff I needed from IBC (boxes & stickers), which was supposed to be here over a week ago >;[ I've been assured that it's on the way, so I should be able to ship next week. Tank212, I'll PM you! If the other girls aren't reserved by this weekend, I'll be bringing them to my Betta meeting and selling them there. I also have a special deal on 4 girls from the grow-out :) which I updated the original post with.
Wow! Great idea! And so tempting. Oh, but I have enough girls for three sororities. :lol:
My Splashluff baybees! :wub:





See, aren't you all jealous that you did get one of her baybees??? :hey:

You certainly got a pretty lady Elise, just gorgeous :wub:
Well I'm jealous, and I got some! :drool: Betta :crazy:

You know I :drool: at the clear ones.

Which one's Dippy?
Aw, I forgot to add's her piccy


I need a better pic of her...she's not deformed or anything, even though her tail looks odd in this pic. She's just cute as pie though! :wub:

ps- thanx for the compliments on my new baybees! :*) :D

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