Adoption Thread ~ Kaotic Bettas!

Such lovely ladies!
I wish I wasn't on the other side of the world, i'd like a female tank, but, can't find any locally!
My plakats only have primary ray branching, so it's uncertain what tail type they'd throw when bred with a long-finned fish. Certainly not HM, but you might get deltas if you're lucky. There's also a good chance of VTs though, but they'd have better finnage than the ones you see in stores all the same.
Synirr, really?! Wow, I would've never guessed that. I'd think at least Deltas. I know a lot of breeders mix Plakats in with HM's to improve balance of the fins and add some agression... I guess that's Plaks with more developed branching.

Sue, if you wanted to spawn, I could always ship one of my boys to you or meet you to loan his services! :p I think the F2's will be really cute.
Thanks splashluff. I appreciate the offer. If I get to a place where I can reasonably consider raising fry, I will consider the options.

I have my eyes open for potential betta keepers, but so far I have not been a successful hunter. I will have to limit my appitite to the three girls at this time--and they are lovely girls.
I wish I could!
#6 is pulling at me!
Beautiful bettas..
Those females are too cute! And those males, :hyper: hellow that first one is stunning!!!
Sue, that's cool. ;0) And yes, please bring a few styrafoam boxes that you can spare, they always come in handy! You MUST join the California Betta Society! ( I brought 20 girls and some boys to the last meeting and they were bought up in a few minutes... and, one of my marble girls sold at the auction for like $30! There is never too many Bettas at CBS meetings!

Ethos, LMK if you change your mind!

Elise, that's my show boy!!! :hey: Oh, how I love him. He's probably going on AB, or to my next Betta meeting. That pic is really old though, like from a month ago, he's looking a lot nicer now.
Have you talked to Devon latley? She has a new horse now! She came back to PT and her sig has her new Appendix QH mare in it. She's adorable.
I will be north of Sacramento picking up my Betta girls from splashluff tomorrow, Friday, afternoon. If anyone wants me to pick up and deliver a girl from her somewhere between her place and Fresno, say so. I would be willing to detour a bit.

She still has some sweeties up there. She might give me the $5 price. That #10 is so hubba hubba. :drool:
YAY! I just got back from meeting Jollysue ^_^ and she got her 3 girls. Everything went well, except Sue got stuck in Friday traffic and it was pouring rain! I'm really happy the little girls are going to such a good home. Thanks Sue! Let me know how they're doing when they settle in.

I got a picture of me and Sue! She's a very nice person, and OMG I'm jealous of her car! Her dog, Whiskers, is a cutie.


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