Adf feeding


Fish Crazy
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Jul 16, 2023
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I have just got 2 African dead frogs and finding it hard to feed them

I hand feed them with tweezers but the fish keep coming and getting the food from the tweezers even when distracting them with flakes

Any suggestions please
What fish do you have them in with? Some are too aggressive to be with frogs, and I know a lot on here feel frogs shouldn't be with fish at all. I personally feel it depends on the fish but I know that view isn't shared by everyone. I feed my fish about 30 minutes before the ADF's so that they're less likely to be interested. With mine I use a pipette, so I'll defrost the food, add water and then suck it up in the pipette. I'll hold the pipette right above the ADF's mouth to make sure they get it. I'm training mine to come to the top of the tank for feeding as well, my fish are all bottom feeders (cories) so this helps keep them away at feeding time.

They really do need additional help at feeding times and aren't very proactive in finding food so it's a bit of a waiting game until they learn what you're doing.

Also ADF's are social and like being in groups of 3+ if you have capacity for more.
I have 6 tetras
6 bleeding heart tetras
6 mollys
1 pleco
3 panda catfish
2 adf

The person at the shop said that they are all fine together

I am managing to get them to feed they will take a few blood work from the tweezers it’s just trying to keep the fish away
I have 6 tetras
6 bleeding heart tetras
6 mollys
1 pleco
3 panda catfish
2 adf

The person at the shop said that they are all fine together

I am managing to get them to feed they will take a few blood work from the tweezers it’s just trying to keep the fish away
In theory those are peaceful but it sounds like they're going to outcompete the frogs based on the description you've given. The reason I mentioned the pipette is you can control when you squeeze it, it could help prevent the fish stealing anything intended for the frogs. I don't know if you have capacity to keep the frogs in another tank but it's something to bear in mind with any ADF's as they can get bullied when it comes to food.
Great thanks
I don’t have any other tanks or space to separate the frogs so I will continue to use the tweezers and will get a pipette
Great thanks
I don’t have any other tanks or space to separate the frogs so I will continue to use the tweezers and will get a pipette
Hopefully it'll help, as my other fish are bottom feeders I can encourage my frogs to feed at the top but not sure it would work for your fish. Could be worth getting some floating plants if you don't already have any, frogs will hang out in the plants which can also make feeding time easier.

I use pipettes like these ones, nothing fancy.
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