Adding Colors


Jul 27, 2003
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Idaho, USA
Is it normal for a betta to get new colors on it just out of the blue? I have this betta

And by his eye on that picture you can see he has a little bit of dark coloring. Well today (the picture was taken less than a week ago) that part is black. and all over that side of his face. And then on one of his side fins (I don't remember what they are called) it was completely clear until today and now it has some red on it.

Is it normal for them to get new colors or for colors to spread like the black did? And he didn't have ANY red on him anywhere before.

Thanks for the help ahead of time! :)
Its possible he is marble, they tend to change their colours around. Or maybe he was just a little stressed when you got him and he's settled down now so all his colours are brighter.

Any chance of a pic to show how it looks now?
As bettas age their colors get brighter at the peak of one year, and then gradually bleech out and change a little bit as they get older, but not this rapidly. There is the possibility that it is dyed, but i would say that this is unlikely as bettas arnt typically dyed. He could have marble geno, this would explain gradual changes in color pattern as he gets older, but if the colors are mearly getting darker and lighter he may just be stressed.
I Agree,,, Definately Not Dyed As Bettas Have Never Been Commercially Dyed Yet (Cross My Fingers) But It's Most Probably Stress.... He Could Have Marble Geno... You Never Know From An LFS :S

Yeah, I don't think he is stressed now. But he could have been before and so now that he relaxed his real colors came out. I will try to get a picture to show what I'm talking about when my daughter wakes up. Should be within an hour. He isn't acting stressed in anyway. No clamped fins. He swims around alot. Eats good. Flares. I don't know, I'm hoping it is just he has marble or something. I don't really care what he looks like, i just want him to be healthy. :/
I have a mostly white veiltale that has burgundy and blue on him, and the colors seem to change often. :rolleyes: He's in a 10 gallon by himself and appears quite content--I don't worry about the changes.
mine was light blue when i got him (see avatar) but now he's very dark blue, and i swear sometimes i see tints of purple ... so who knows. they might just be growing up :)
Sounds good. I didn't get pictures because I ended up having a lot of crap I had to get done tonight, but i will try to get some tomorrow. BTW he has red on both of his side fins now.
you are lucky lady, beautiful bettas and a beautiful baby! I need to see my 8month old grandaughter I suffer withdrawal symptoms if I dont get a cuddle! :good:

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