Adding A Species Profile?


Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I'd like to add a profile for hillstream loaches to the species index....
Should it be placed in cyprinids or oddballs? Also what should i do about the scientific name, if i was to all the individual subspecies there'd be more loaches than there is thread....
Just use the family name?
Well it's definitley not in the Cyprinid family but in the Balitoridae family (though they are both in the same Order under Cypriniformes), I'd say Oddball.
Its just that the vast majority of people will look in the cyprinid part for it due to the common name....
Maybe they could do a balitoridae section just for me :hyper:
Right i'll stick it in oddballs, edited above ^ question about scientific name, i wanted to do a family specific (all fairly similar) profile, rather than species because thats alot, alot of profiles and all pretty much the same?
I'd agree. And if a mod would like to move it to another area, I'm sure they will :good:
(really kinda surprised there isn't a profile aleady - but a quick search seems to confirm there isn't?)

ps: I would say try to stick with this layout if/where applicable.

Common Name(s):
Scientific Name:
Maximum Size:
Minimum Tank Size:
Life Span:
Water Parameters:
Sexing and Breeding:

Thanks very much bloo, surprised myself, and theres been fair few questions about them recently....
there are many many fish that go by the name 'hillstream loach'
you can generalise that most require the same conditions (IE fast flow high O2 etc) but the profile should be on one
specific fish. the most common HSL, at least in the UK is Beaufortia kweichowensis so I'd say do the profile on that and then add the generlisations in the notes part.
Phew!! Cheers wolf :good:
I'd got this far on scientific names and wasn't even half way
gastromyzon pseudogastromyzon sinogastromyzon beaufortia neogastromyzon protomyzon
Just pick the most common one and go for it. People aren't normally bothered about scintific names, especially in a species that half of the keepers don't bother to ID properly anyway.
One of the rules to posting a profile is that you either have to own the fish or have owned it in the past so that might help you decide which one to do the profile on.
I've got 4 different balitoridae ssp....
Went for the beaufortia as i have seen these most often, although there seems to be alot of gastromyzon ssp's in the shops currently, blah...
Anyway, submitted, thanks for everyones help.
it may be prudent to pm a mod to check the profile section for your submission.
sometimes they miss them
Thanks again wolf...
Given it a go, but not going to mither.
Forgot to turn my sig off as well :X can that be edited?
The profile section is checked regulaly. If a profile has not been accepted, there is usually a good reason. We have had profiles copied from other places, copyrighted photographs added, advice which drastically differs from the norm, totally incorrect information etc.

Sad but true, we have to spend time verifying that the profiles submitted are original work.
If my profile hasn't been accepted would i be informed of the reason why?
If not, can i be...
The pics my own and the info's common knowledge and not copied....
Erm... shall i try again then?
Beaufortia kweichowensis IMHO should be added..
Edited to add; or at least some type of hillstream......

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