Aaron's 216l Planted Journal!

What did you do to get rid of the surface scum aaron? I had it before and wondered where it came from/why it went away

is surface scum, and my pump has packed in :rolleyes:

Coincidence? Providing some surface movement will keep the scum from forming. Can be a result of protein or not enough ferts, never been clarified. Common in planted tanks with no surface movement.

i'd kinda figured it was down to inadequate co2 levels tbh, i used to have it for a while in my tank, as i increased the co2 the scum went away....

oh yeah and the tank is looking fantastic arron, i've not seen the journal updates for a while.

another update, just the stems that have filled out really

the lilys have finally been cleaned lol, just the tip which the brush didnt reach but i can bleach them. I had actually forgot how aesthetically pleasing they once were :oops:

got some more depth in the picture, due to raising the camera which i think i got of Tony or Mark :thumbup:
poor quality though.
It was the first time i missed a water change last week too, nothing bad happened though :shh:


The serpae tetra


I love this picture


Thanks, Aaron
thanks guys,

i added 2 angelfish on Sunday and they are still with me so we are doing better than last time :rolleyes:

They found a new supplier and the fish are much better specimens in terms of health, size and colour.
So i am completely jealous and loving what you've done, couple of qu's

Just reading thru and i like the way you empty and refill your tank.

When you're re-filling from the tap are you ok with the fact its cold (ir do you add anything to compensate?) also do you de-chlor at all? Cheers,
Thanks guys.

I put cold on then just add a little bit of hot to take the chill off it. I dont concentrate on getting it the correct temperature.

I dechlor when i remember, which is most weeks, there is just the odd occasion i forget. I use seachem prime which lasts even longer than pond dechlor :D (5ml per 200l.) My pond dechlor was 10ml per 215litres.

Thanks, Aaron
i have actually been running this tank as a low tech. For the past 3weeks there has been no water changes and no CO2. I dose Nutrients when i remember which is usually twice a week.
Most importantly no algae, except for on the tips of the cyperus helferi, so i'm happy.

Probably after this weekend i shall switch back to high tech, at least i have some confidence behind me if/ when :wink: i want to go down that route in the future.
I do apologize for the lack of pictures but the batteries for my camera have gone walk abouts so i whenever i get my hands on some spare batteries i try to ge a couple of pics before they die lol


Day 130


Thanks, Aaron
Thanks guys,

i am feeding them a mixture of tetramin crisp & spirulina flakes daily & bloodworm weekly.

Thanks guys,

i am feeding them a mixture of tetramin crisp & spirulina flakes daily & bloodworm weekly.

I always find fish colour up much better in natural systems, less stress & chance of disease too.

i cant remember, did you get angels for the tank?
if so do you plan on breeding them?
i love angels

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