Aaron's 216l Planted Journal!

Jen, see the first page under "hardscape"
thanks, Ben.

Got any spare? :p really need some and cant find any LFS that come close to even having it in:(, does it sink straight away aaron?, or does it need soaking for a while first?

needs soaking for about 2 weeks. I did say i would give AdAndrews first choice if i sell any, so you can be second on the list ;) Not sure what to do though yet.
my revised fish stock/ list:

dwarf neons
hatchet fish
Corydoras barbatus (forgot their "new" name)
botia striata
Micro crabs


Sorry for the speedread through this thread Aaron, but Scleromystax barbatus is a coldwater fish and will not do well in a heated aquarium. The rest of the list look alright just make sure the neons and the hatchet fish are put in first and add your angelfish when they are small and have them grow-up with the schooling fish. It will reduce unwanted snacking. If you want a corydora, a warm-water species is Corydoras sterbai, a handsome fish that is a good size and will fill out the bottom well. The botia striata seem out of place to me since they're from a different region, and I'm alittle concerned about them and corydoras. The Scleromystax wouldn't work with them anyways as they are a reclusive fish. They should also be housed only as pairs or in groups of females with only 1 male. To males can turn into a nasty situation.

Just giving you a head's up.

Love Scleromystax, I'm tempted to get a pair, since I have an unheated aquarium, but it just doesn't get cold enough except in the winter in Miami.

Otherwise, the tank sounds glorious and the wood looks awesome!
my revised fish stock/ list:

dwarf neons
hatchet fish
Corydoras barbatus (forgot their "new" name)
botia striata
Micro crabs


Sorry for the speedread through this thread Aaron, but Scleromystax barbatus is a coldwater fish and will not do well in a heated aquarium. The rest of the list look alright just make sure the neons and the hatchet fish are put in first and add your angelfish when they are small and have them grow-up with the schooling fish. It will reduce unwanted snacking. If you want a corydora, a warm-water species is Corydoras sterbai, a handsome fish that is a good size and will fill out the bottom well. The botia striata seem out of place to me since they're from a different region, and I'm alittle concerned about them and corydoras. The Scleromystax wouldn't work with them anyways as they are a reclusive fish. They should also be housed only as pairs or in groups of females with only 1 male. To males can turn into a nasty situation.

Just giving you a head's up.

Love Scleromystax, I'm tempted to get a pair, since I have an unheated aquarium, but it just doesn't get cold enough except in the winter in Miami.

Otherwise, the tank sounds glorious and the wood looks awesome!

thanks for all the tips, i wasnt planning on having them all together, and since then my ideas have changed again :rolleyes:

I didnt know the cories were coldwater, they are kept in tropical conditions in my LFS (25C) which is i suppose the maximum you would want to go - if you did that is. I shall be leaving them out anyway. :good:

I was planing on adding the hatchets first, followed by the dwarf neons after a few week gap as they are fairly expensive to replace if anything goes wrong :crazy:

Another bottom feeder that has sprung to mind is the pitbull plec.

I havent really looked at regions, and once the plants go in it will probably look more out of place :rolleyes:

And i think this will be the final plant list:

M.Pteropus "narrow"

i shall see how it looks and then add any plants at a later date. I quite fancy staurogyne sp. but i cant picture it in my aquarium :/

Suggestions are always welcomed on plants & fish BTW ;) :D

Thanks llj.

EDIT: Oh and also anubias :)
I didnt know the cories were coldwater, they are kept in tropical conditions in my LFS (25C) which is i suppose the maximum you would want to go - if you did that is. I shall be leaving them out anyway. :good:

I was planing on adding the hatchets first, followed by the dwarf neons after a few week gap as they are fairly expensive to replace if anything goes wrong :crazy:

Another bottom feeder that has sprung to mind is the pitbull plec.

Thanks llj.

They are not really "coldwater", but on the low end of tropical in most cases. Corydoras generally divide into two types of groups. Those that prefer colder water and those that prefer warmer. That being said, most species, unless they are particularly delicate will do alright in a standard tropical tank as long as the temp isn't too high, like around 76F. The colder water species prefer water temperatures in the upper 60s or low 70s, while the warmer water species do well in the standard aquarium. There are even some, like the aforementioned C. sterbai that will tolerate the extra warm conditions required for discus. Scleromystax, which is no longer consider a corydora, prefers even cooler temperatures, down to about 60F or so. The highest temperature I've seen for them has been 74F. Your planned tetras, hatchet fish, and angels would not appreciate the cooler temperatures.

I would be concerned about a pitbull plec and unestablished plants. There might be some uprooting. They are a great little pleco, though. Once things are established, they should be fine.

Good call on the order, I would have added the hatchets first myself. Be wary of jumping.

Ok, here is what i think my final plant list is going to be, with a bit of help from Mark
from aquafleur:

6 x C.Balansae
5 x C.Wendtii
5 x C.Beckettii
5 x C.Parva
10 x E.Tenellus

I shall be taking in a list tommorow, then hopefully hey will be ordered Sunday, to be delivered next Wednesday! :D

Also to go on is
M.Pteropus "narrow"
Staurogyne sp.
Anubias var.Barteri Nana

The last few are tropica, but i cant say on numbers as i am hopefully awaiting an answer on the size of XL plants compared to normal sized pots.

I might add some moss if anyone has some going spare too ;)

Ok, here is what i think my final plant list is going to be, with a bit of help from Mark
from aquafleur:

6 x C.Balansae
5 x C.Wendtii
5 x C.Beckettii
5 x C.Parva
10 x E.Tenellus

I shall be taking in a list tommorow, then hopefully hey will be ordered Sunday, to be delivered next Wednesday! :D

Also to go on is
M.Pteropus "narrow"
Staurogyne sp.
Anubias var.Barteri Nana

The last few are tropica, but i cant say on numbers as i am hopefully awaiting an answer on the size of XL plants compared to normal sized pots.

I might add some moss if anyone has some going spare too ;)


nice list, i would go for the normal plant to xl, unless all that money is burning a hole in your pocket?
What temp will you be keeping the tank at, angels do like the warm side though not quite as high as discus. I keep mine at 28 degrees and they have spawned at that temp so must be happy.

Looks good with the substrate and wood in, there are lots of spaces for the angels to get through easily, which is good for them. Good call on the anubias and amazon swords, mine love both of those plants they are supposed to use amazons for laying eggs but mine used the anubias instead. :good:

Following on from what llijma said, are you sure you don't want to go for a region, amazon tanks are stunning and you are nearly there anyway.

I can remember leaving school myself, a few hundred pounds after doing GCSE's for doing well and another few hundred after doing A Levels to help me get stuff for Uni (spent on clothes and clubbing though!!) seems a long time ago now. The results came out within a week or 2 weeks of my Birthday too so I always ended up with Birthday money ontop. Good Luck for August.
26C is what i have always kept my tanks at.
I dont think i will be using amazon swords, they never seem to fit into any tank IMO, although there is E.Quadrifolious or something like that which has slender leaves than the others,
I have ordered some of the plants which shall be here next Wed/ Thursday.


I need a few more from tropica but it is too early to put an order in. I cant go full amazon as the crypts are from asia anyway.

And when i put anubias nana above, i meant to put petite :rolleyes:
26C is what i have always kept my tanks at.
I dont think i will be using amazon swords, they never seem to fit into any tank IMO, although there is E.Quadrifolious or something like that which has slender leaves than the others,
I have ordered some of the plants which shall be here next Wed/ Thursday.


I need a few more from tropica but it is too early to put an order in. I cant go full amazon as the crypts are from asia anyway.

And when i put anubias nana above, i meant to put petite :rolleyes:

nice, wont you have algae probs if you only plant sparingly at the start?

and do you have a science exam 2moz mate? what exam board are you on for science?
coz i am doing a pre-release paper for the aditional modules on ocr.. but i havnt got a clue. help!

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