Aargh! Snails eating my Amazon Swords


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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My swords were looking great until ramshorn snails decided to munch on them. I have picked out a bunch and the assassins are helping. I want to get more swords but not until I handle the snails. Any idea on how to stop them? I cut back on feedings to slow down snail production. Now I read that if there’s not enough food for them then they will eat plants. I can’t win either way. Also, any good plants that snails don’t like?
Try putting lettuce or spinach to attract them and then lift the bit of lettuce with snails attached. If you weigh the leaf on a dish, then you can get the ones underneath as well.
I get a lot of snails with sliced cucumber. :)
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Are you sure that they are eating the live leaves? In my experience ramshorn have only eaten dying leaves.
I had ramshorns and when they got hungry, they took out several of my plants, UG first, and then eventually did hit my swords too. I was thrilled that assassin snails favored the ramshorn snails. Even one assassin snail would clear them out fast. But they would also go after any other snails too, though my favored bladder snails did rebound after the assassins were out of there. Good luck!
Are you sure that they are eating the live leaves? In my experience ramshorn have only eaten dying leaves.
Oh yeah, I’m sure. I find them all over the plants and plants have areas eaten out.

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