Aargh! Snails eating my Amazon Swords

I know. I was thinking that I would have to locate all of them and remove them first. May be impossible to do. :)
Especially since they burrow into the substrate, hiding and waiting to pounce on the nearest snail passerby...
To control a snail population you can put a few algae discs in a cloth bag tied up, Drop the bag in the tank at night in the morning the snails will be gathered around it. Just net them out.
To control a snail population you can put a few algae discs in a cloth bag tied up, Drop the bag in the tank at night in the morning the snails will be gathered around it. Just net them out.
Yep! Same theory with the cucumber. :)
My GBRs eat the snails and their eggs. After we moved them to another tank the population just exploded, we put them back and now we just have to clean up the shells :)
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