A Very English Spring

I am swapping over to RO, and remineralising it and my GH is 10 now, it has dropped from 24 to 10 in three weeks of 25% water changes every two days. I'm now going to cut it down to 2x week. I have been out today and bought a pair of gold rams.


and the female eyeing up the Amano.

:thumbs: Nice looking fish Ian, hope it works out better this time :)

thanks LP! :good:

and Lu, the pure RO wouldn't be any good for a planted tank IMO, the Ph would be about 4 and the water is known as 'dead water' as it contains nothing. So, it's RO water remineralised with calcium minerals and other small bits and bobs. To raise the GH/KH slightly.
just a couple of the Crypts, that seem to be adapting well to the RO swap over. I have kept crypts for a while, but never had any that look as vibrant as these at the moment.



tested my GH earlier and i'm now at a GH of 8. That's from a GH of 25. The water also has much more clarity.
Sunday night TV is awful (xfactor), though 'Britain's most dangerous roads' is quite funny. so i got the camera out. Sorry! lol

female gold ram


male gold ram


check the pink belly again. They have already spawned, but an assassin snail ate the eggs. Cheers Assassin snail!

The moss finally starts to get going. It seems to take an age to start in my tanks for some reason.

The Hydro 'Japan' pearling

and a slightly out of focus FTS lol!
Lovely looking rams Ian, how old are they ? Shame to hear about the spawn :(

My rams spawned today for the first time :)

The tank is looking awesome by the way, so jealous.

they are still quite young, they are about 2" so they have a little growing to do. Great little fish though.

Thanks LP. :)
WOW!!!!! How much has that filled out?! That is a great transformation!!

Loving the pictures, thank god for boring TV :good:

Fancy coming to my house and sorting my tank out?! :lol:
cheers Minnt, It has filled out a lot. It's about ready for it's first proper hacking.

Next time i'm passing through Notts, i'll pop round mate. :good:
the close of the corner tank...it has now been sold. The last shot from tonight.


quite sad really as this tank has taught me so much.

Anyways onwards and upwards, i'm looking to get an 80x35x45 optiwhite, 'normal' shaped tank!

ps CrazyAirborne, the pics are taken with a Sony A380 SLR. A nice camera! :good:
Shame to see it get broken down Ian but on the up side we all get to see you create another marvel :)


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