A Tank In The Wall

Thanks for the comments peeps there really appreciated as always :good:
Well I have had one hell of a time with the pluming on this tank, basically the tank manufacturers F***t the weir up big time. Basically the tank has bracing bars round the top 1 inch down from the top edge, then there is a glass weir in the back left corner, they have cut this 2 & a ½ inches below the bracing bar, then they have claded the front of the weir with blue acrylic to match the rest of the tank, they have also routerd weir combs into the cladding and they run from the top of the glass weir to the underside of the bracing bars {2 & a ½ inch long} it all looks very nice but the water level in the tank was never going to get any higher than the glass weir lip 3 & a ½ inch off the top of the tank and the architrave in the living room only over laps by just over 1inch so you could see 2 ¼ inch or so of the tank with no water in it looked totally crap as I am sure you could imagine.
So my solution was to get a m8t that works at a glass company to cut some glass and make me a collar which I then silicone on top of the original glass weir so it was only 10mm off the underside of the bracing bars, but when I wet tested again you could still see about 5 or 6mm with no water in it I was absolutely gutted after all the work that has gone into this tank, then my m8t came up with a solution. ACID ETCH the top of the tank he said lets drain it down rip it out the wall and I will ACID ETCH some think on to it. So that’s what we did and I got the tank back today and I was not so sure at 1st but now it’s back in the wall it looks absolutely awesome I have got to say he has made a really really good job of it
Sorry no pics peeps it’s been a very long day and am off to bed now early start tomorrow filing it up again lol pics to follow tomorrow night
Sorry for the delay in updating this thread :blush: , i have been going through a bad patch with the setting up of this tank with one disaster after another :shout: , the most resent been brook nela!!! :crazy: I bought a true pair of yellow banded maroon clowns and within 48hrs of putting them in the tank they started to show signs of this parasite. So 6 weeks of quarantine and treatment for all my fish so far

Note to me.... update this pick ASAP {old aquascape and only 90% full of water}

Yes seffie unfortunately i have lost one of the clowns, which now leaves me with the problem of trying to pair it back up. I don’t even know if this going to be possible i am absolutely gutted to say the least i had been looking for months for a true pair of yellow banded clowns then i came across this pair for £82 in a LFS which i don’t really use that often so it was a bit of an in pulse buy really,
i normally reserve my fish at the start of the week then pop back in the shop mid week just to see how there doing {feeding ect} then i will pick them up on a weekend when i go back to have a look at the coral delivery’s my normal LFS which i use regally dose not have a problem with this in fact the shop has a very very good reputation in this area and i know he gets all his live stock from TMC, and i have now found out from some fellow reefers that the LFS where i bought the maroons from dose not use TMC and does not have a good track record in the marine side of things, when i went to see him about the brook nela he asked me to take over a water sample from my tank so he could test it, so i took him a sample over and he said he would test it later on in the day when he had time so i left it with him and phoned the shop later on that evening, he then tried to blame it on my water quality in the tank, and i know for a fact that my parameters are very very good. So i thought well i guess it could be my kits so i asked my regular LFS to check the parameters for me and yep there spot on as i thought, so i then went back to the maroon clown LFS and confronted him with my findings and he just argued that nothing else had got it in his tanks so it must be some think in mine that had caused it, again i know this is not true as a friend had been in the shop and has seen some dead percula,s in the tanks, any hooow i guess lesson learnt don’t buy any think else from that shop.!!!!
That was a painful lesson and expensive visit the day you walked in there - name and shame John :good:

Seffie x
Ummm not so sure about naming and shaming the shop seffie.

But as for the expense well £££ :crazy: , it was not just the one clown fish, i have had to buy a new quarantine tank lights pumps heaters ect ect and i am now running a UV and Ozone on my main tank 24/7. i have been advised to do this for 12 weeks to make sure that there are no parasites in the water before i put my fish back in, {only 4 weeks to go before i can put any fish back in the main display} so like i say lesson learnt the hard way i guess but to be honest i don’t know that many people that have quarantine tanks :dunno: and they just acclimatise before they place their live stock in their tanks :whistle: i guess you take your chance and this time it all went wrong for me so i suppose i am partly to blame for this as well and that’s why i am not so sure about the name and shame thing.And from now on i will be quarantine all fish that are going to be going in my tank and fresh water dipping all my corals {will have to research the best way of doing this}

regards john,o
That does look great mate, for some reason ive not read this for a while...i love in the wall tanks

thanks Ben

I haven’t really been on the forum much ben, with all the problems i have been having i was slightly dishearten with the whole thing really but now i can see light at the end of the tunnel i can’t wait to get stuck into it again
It looks wicked buddy, once it's fully stocked it's going to be legendry.
Ok just a little update...

As you will all know I had a brook nela out break in my tank 24hrs after buying a pair of yellow banded maroon clowns :grr: , so I had to quarantine every think for 12 weeks on the recommendations of my LFS :good: Well the 12 weeks where up last week and the remaining fish are back in the tank along with a couple of new additions :band: :- :drink: {they have been quarantined as well for the last 5 weeks :whistle: } 1 new white banded maroon clown to replace the yellow banded one that I lost, there was a little bit of squabbling for a day or two but they have both settled down well and are inseparable now so I am well pleased with that and I have also got a stunning yellow tang :wub: .
But the tank is now going through a dia atom out break again and looks awful {that’s why there’s no pics} and looking back perhaps I should of introduced the fish back into the tank more gradually {1 or 2 fish per week} :dunno: I think that putting them all back in one go has shocked the system with a large bio load as there has been nothing in the tank except corals for the past few months :sad: , so in a bid to combat this I have reduced my light cycle buy 3 hrs per day and I will gradually build them back up over the next week or so, and I have also decided to do 2x 5 gallon water changes per week for the next two months just till the bio filter has caught back up and fingers crossed all will be ok, so yep nearly there now but not quite, I just need to keep a close eye on the stock and water parameters and cross my fingers as I don’t want to go through this again. :no:
Regards john,o
It really is very disheartening isn't it - but glad to hear you are back on the road to recovery :good:

Seffie x
Yep it sure is seffie; it’s been a long old road to recovery as well I just hope I haven’t fallen at the finale hurdle as they say. By plopping all the fish back in, in one go :blush: , I am just hoping by doubling in up on my water changes there won’t be too much of a spike in the water parameters as the last thing I want now is them getting stress out and before you know it the tang has white spot. :crazy:

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