A Tank In The Wall

Thanks for the comments peeps much appresiated :good:
and as rod would say “SWMBO“{ lol} has cracked the whip and told me to get my finger out with this so I have taken a few days of work to try and get this project done as quickly as I possibly can, so I started boarding the ceilings yesterday and all was going really well till BANG I put a screw through a power cable the house plunged into dark ness and the fuse box would not click back on and to make things worse the cable I had damaged was the one that fed the 3 pin socket behind my 2ft cube tank so it was not going to be easy to get at to make a repair. luckily my m8t who had been helping me out had a phone number for a really good electrician so with him on the way I started ripping floor boards up in the bed room then rushed out to a m8ts to collect a old 3ft tank he had going spare. I drained down the cube into the 3ft tank transferred all the rock fish corals ect into it, pulled the cube tank out the way and let the sparky do his thing, by the time I got finished last night it was 23.30



Really good read so far. Keep up the good work!

thank you :good:

Just a quick line or two
all the fish and corals ect have settled into their temp home really well, I have done a 5 gallon water change on them today just to keep them going :good: , all though the other half is going mental now because the tank is in the breakfast room under the table :crazy: :/ {I just can’t win :lol: pic to follow in the morning} so I must get on to AC aquatics and chase up the new tank ASAP
Just a quick line or two
all the fish and corals ect have settled into their temp home really well, I have done a 5 gallon water change on them today just to keep them going :good: , all though the other half is going mental now because the tank is in the breakfast room under the table :crazy: :/ {I just can’t win :lol: pic to follow in the morning} so I must get on to AC aquatics and chase up the new tank ASAP

Tank under the breakfast bar sorry for the delay in getting the pics up :blush: just been so busy with this project. any hoooooow here ya go...



Oooo.. and one of my new baby i need an I,D on this if anyone can help me

It is all so exciting woo hoo............

and you have yourself a Valentini Puffer, cute, one of the only ralatively reef safe puffers, they will of course eat all your snails etc :p

Seffie x
thanks for that seffie really appreciated. :good:
and yep your correct SWMBO sure is going mental :crazy: but on the up side I am hoping to have the room fully decorated by Thursday at the very latest as the new carpet sofa ect are coming on Friday, so that should put a smile back on SWMBO face :lol: and then I get on with the bit that were all really wanting to see lol the tank build :good:
Well some good news and some bad...

I will start with the good. We have got the room 99% finished now carpet down new sofa and furniture in ECT :good: . all I have to do now is fit the new radiator which should of been a strait forward job in its self but SWMBO decided to have a clear up and trough out the fittings for the valves :rolleyes: so I now have to drain the system down and change them :shout: , so that was the start of the bad news and it just went from bad to worse I phoned AC aquatics on Friday and its going to be 2-3 week before the bespoke tank is delivered :< . so any hooow looking on the brighter side I thought O well at least I won’t have to rush with the cabinet and I made a start, 1st I took a level off the front support legs for the tank then cut and screwed the middle and rear legs to the walls 2nd I cut the shelf that the tanks going to sit on and screwed that in place :D . pleased with my days work I sat down for my T with the rest of the family at the dining table and SWMBO piped up are you sure there’s enough room for the tank to fit in don’t forget you added the corner profiles around the hole to help keep the plaster straight. OMG the penny dropped strait away :/ they take up half a inch each {1 inch top to bottom and the same side to side} there is just enough space for the tank to fit in on the sides which is cool but top to bottom is the same, :crazy: so no room for polystyrene under the tank in other words a disaster :sick: . I am going to have to sit down and look long and hard for a solution here the room is fully decorated and carpeted now so I don’t want to start hacking the hole if I don’t have to and I don’t want to start changing the dimensions of the bespoke tank as its taking long enough as it is without doing that

so anyhow i am off for a coffee and a long hard think..... :sick: :sick: :sick:
well seffie the bespoke tank is 30L X 26H X 24W
the hole is 30 ¼ L x 27 ¼ H but when the shelf that the tank sits on is in place the height of the hole is reduced to only 26 ¼ inch not enough room for the polystyrene under the tank so what I have planed is to chop 18mm off the back and the middle legs then build new front ones just behind the original support legs then lay the shelf on and but it up to the original front legs and that will give me the 27 ¼ height back :good:
It’s been a couple of days since I was last on here, so just a couple of quick lines...
the room is now complete...



I have made the changes to the cabinet legs and shelf, so I should now have the room to get the polystyrene sheets under the tank. let me tell you it sounded easy

well seffie the bespoke tank is 30L X 26H X 24W
the hole is 30 ¼ L x 27 ¼ H but when the shelf that the tank sits on is in place the height of the hole is reduced to only 26 ¼ inch not enough room for the polystyrene under the tank so what I have planed is to chop 18mm off the back and the middle legs then build new front ones just behind the original support legs then lay the shelf on and but it up to the original front legs and that will give me the 27 ¼ height back :good:
but buy god 1st time round I did too good of a job, it took me forever to get it back into bits lol once I had it dismantled all I did was make a extra pair of legs to support the front of the shelf then cut 18mm {the thickness of the shelf} off the high of the middle and rear legs screw and fix it all back in place then slide the shelf back in place with the top of it been flush with the top of the original front legs




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