A swarm of snakeheads!!

Yup, some not all. Many South Asians are strictly vegetarian and fish soup can be many things...im referring to these birchirs not any fishy.

...Islamic ones, there is somthing Quranic about not eating seafood, but that may be shelled animals.

Anyway diverting from Birchir breeding topic :p
Sanj said:
im referring to these birchirs not any fishy....Anyway diverting from Birchir breeding topic :p
[pedant]Um.. Snakeheads are not Bichirs...[ /pedant].

CFC! where the photos? we want photos!

zoraak said:
The last thing I would want to do is get into argument with "some" middle aged house wives about their hobby... my mistake.

... but then again, it has been the result of some retard fish keeper(s) that these snakeheads were released to the waters of north America.

And I don't think you have achieved anything by breeding that snakehead, because they breed as easily as mice or rats, so no big deal. :dunno:
Thats awesome CFC! Some ban this guy lol! :kana:
And I don't think you have achieved anything by breeding that snakehead, because they breed as easily as mice or rats, so no big deal.

Well he could actually make a bit of money by supplying local LFS.

Anyway not sure he was making a big deal...my livebearers are popping babies all over, but i shout about it. New life is valued more by some perhaps.
Um.. Snakeheads are not Bichirs...[

Ummm...yeah you are right...got Bitches on the brain...i dont actually want any, but they are all over the place.

Eitherway comment still stands and im not 'pretty sure' i know.

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