A swarm of snakeheads!!

zoraak said:
I just made a point and he calls me a fool, the other lackeys also join in... That’s a great sign of "experienced fish keepers"... I don't give a rat's ass what you breed; I just wanted to share my opinion.

Like a give a %^*( about rivers in UK.

/... sigh
:lol: No, you came into a thread which you saw had the word "snakeheads" in the title and because they have recently been in the news again due to the capture of a northern snakehead in a Michegan lake thought you would inform everyone of how evil this fish is. If you had bothered to read the thread you would have seen that in the seventh post made in this thread, my first after the initial pictures, that i clearly stated that i live in England not the US, which kind of makes your "Like a give a %^*( about rivers in UK." a bit pointless.

It is this kind of ill informed jumping on the bandwagon type response that has caused the US to ban the importation and in some states make it illegal to keep any species of snakehead, resulting in many responsible snakehead keepers to have to either turn their beloved pets over to be destroyed or keep their fish in secret with the risk of prosicution should anyone discover they still have their "killer fish". I wonder how many cat owners would stand up in defiance if domestic cats were suddenly made illegal due to the impact on wildlife caused by feral populations?

Dwarf snakeheads such as Channa gachua have very much the same kind of temperment as medium sized pike Cichlids and share much in common in terms of their care, i wonder if you would have jumped in here and informed me what monsters i was breeding had the title read "a swarm of pike Cichlids" and the fish in question had been my Saxatilis pikes?
oh dear, we have a newbie already into the sport of trolling and flaming :rolleyes:

Congrats on your MASSIVE batch CFC hope you fill your wallet from them...after they empty it with food demands!!
Did zoraak not see the:

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It's not like you started keeping fish yesterday?

Awesome fry CFC :cool:
Dreadful, dreadful - some people hear something on the news and think they know everything. I don't mind a good debate, but at least get your facts right zoraak.

I guarantee the next thing zoraak will mention is how nasty we all are and that isn't this supposed to be the friendliest forum around? Well if one of the first things you do when joining a forum is to slate another member's habits/morals, don't expect to get a friendly pat on the back from me.

CFC - you carry on breeding your beautiful snakeheads. I know they will go to reponsible homes and lead happy captive lives. :)
zoraak said:
I’m sorry to say this but you’re breeding a monster. Any of those fish released in the local river system will simply destroy any native fish and small invertebrate. They eat everything, breath air and jump on to land to wriggle their way into new waters.

This snakehead fish which you have bred is banned in north America, and yesterday it was in news that snakeheads even have invaded the great lakes... they call them “Frankenfish” in here, and anybody caught breeding them will face prosecution.

I'm not sure about the regulations concerning this fish in UK, but I strongly suggest you read more about this fish and its affect on the environment before breeding them.

I would suggest you contact your local fish/livestock authorities for more info.

I'm suprised that most of the members have no info on this fish, otherwise they would not have been so enthusiastic about your snakeheads.

check this out: http://www.channel3000.com/sports/3825244/detail.html
Snakeheads are banned in north america! since when I'm in north america and I see snake heads all the time Hell the office of fish and game here doesnt have any record of any ban on any level on any snake head other than northern snakehead which is not the fish that CFC bred as for any snake head other than the northern snake head being found in nontropical waters I'd like to point out that last week one of my friends found a betta (another fish that breathes air) in a creek locally that however does not mean that there is any danger of an infestation of bettas takeing over all of south central Alaska.

And I'm not band wagoning I'm just straightening your facts out.
I was actually planning of keeping snakeheads instead of a piranha, but then they banned them :angry:

They're awesome fish and depending on species, I've read they grow 12 inches a year!! Only thing that I had to take into consideration keeping them is the high cost of feeding (they eat so much!) and anchoring a crate on top of the tank since they can jump out just by you touching the glass. :cool:

oh btw, nice swarm!
zoraak said:
I’m sorry to say this but you’re breeding a monster. Any of those fish released in the local river system will simply destroy any native fish and small invertebrate. They eat everything, breath air and jump on to land to wriggle their way into new waters.

This snakehead fish which you have bred is banned in north America, and yesterday it was in news that snakeheads even have invaded the great lakes... they call them “Frankenfish” in here, and anybody caught breeding them will face prosecution.

I'm not sure about the regulations concerning this fish in UK, but I strongly suggest you read more about this fish and its affect on the environment before breeding them.

I would suggest you contact your local fish/livestock authorities for more info.

I'm suprised that most of the members have no info on this fish, otherwise they would not have been so enthusiastic about your snakeheads.

check this out: http://www.channel3000.com/sports/3825244/detail.html
:sly: chill out ..............anyone here not already a responsible fish keeper is learning to be one .

I've been keeping fish over 30 years ...........never even thought of tossing a fish into a local water system . There are careless people out there , obviously .

I'm nobodies lackey : The guy who bred the fish is one the most helpful and experienced fish keepers I've come across anywhere .

Damn , I quoted the wrong post !!!!!!!!! :whistle: , but you know what I mean :nod:
The last thing I would want to do is get into argument with "some" middle aged house wives about their hobby... my mistake.

... but then again, it has been the result of some retard fish keeper(s) that these snakeheads were released to the waters of north America.

And I don't think you have achieved anything by breeding that snakehead, because they breed as easily as mice or rats, so no big deal. :dunno:
zoraak said:
The last thing I would want to do is get into argument with "some" middle aged house wives about their hobby... my mistake.   

... but then again, it has been the result of some retard fish keeper(s) that these snakeheads were released to the waters of north America.

And I don't think you have achieved anything by breeding that snakehead, because they breed as easily as mice or rats, so no big deal.   :dunno:
:hyper: :lol: Housewife , you mean me , check my profile . :D :p Na guess not :rolleyes:

retard is a poor choice for the word , careless and irresponseable are , and I agree with you .

most fish available in the hobby today are easy to breed , so tell everyone that has had fish breed in there care ........" It's no big deal "

you made your point .......you don't like the Idea .

I still think the pictures are cool........Sorry , I'm done .
zoraak said:
The last thing I would want to do is get into argument with "some" middle aged house wives about their hobby... my mistake.
Who exactly are you referring to by that?
LadyMinion said:
zoraak said:
The last thing I would want to do is get into argument with "some" middle aged house wives about their hobby... my mistake.
Who exactly are you referring to by that?
:huh: yeh I shoulda said that first ,.....right :rofl:

better have come and gone :dunno: .
zoraak said:
The last thing I would want to do is get into argument with "some" middle aged house wives about their hobby... my mistake.

... but then again, it has been the result of some retard fish keeper(s) that these snakeheads were released to the waters of north America.

And I don't think you have achieved anything by breeding that snakehead, because they breed as easily as mice or rats, so no big deal. :dunno:
And now the mudslinging starts :lol: its the sign of a true troll when they have to resort to throwing insults.
I see no reason to continue to humiliate you or read your uneducated ill informed opinions, your true troll colours are now showing and you will be dealt with in the correct way.

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