A swarm of snakeheads!!

i think its a great achievment im registerd with 30+ fish forums and this is the first i have heard of someone in the UK/USA breeding a snakehead.
hey cfc i found a picci, think it might be zoraak

anyway i love your babies :clap:

but gotta go now to do middle aged housewifey things, now where'd i put my pinnie ;)


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CFC said:
zoraak said:
The last thing I would want to do is get into argument with "some" middle aged house wives about their hobby... my mistake.   

... but then again, it has been the result of some retard fish keeper(s) that these snakeheads were released to the waters of north America.

And I don't think you have achieved anything by breeding that snakehead, because they breed as easily as mice or rats, so no big deal.  :dunno:
And now the mudslinging starts :lol: its the sign of a true troll when they have to resort to throwing insults.
I see no reason to continue to humiliate you or read your uneducated ill informed opinions, your true troll colours are now showing and you will be dealt with in the correct way.
CFC , You're a Fireman as well :lol: , still think pics are cool .
Hi CFC :)

Congratulations for your first fry from your very interesting and unusual fish. I hope you will have many more spawns too. :thumbs:

Your lfs owner is a lucky guy, since he will one day have your lovingly home raised, healthy, and well nourished fry to pass along to his customers. :D
They are Very Cool, Have Fun make Money and Do some Good.

Sorry COuldn't help putting that in, Its the Ntl Mission Statement.
Keep us updated CFC! I for one hope that you make lots of money! Try to sell them only to a reputable fish shop, where they don't sell them all to people who won't keep throwing them away in rivers or not keep them properly and have the boomerang effect.

:wub: :wub: Your babies! They're great!
zoraak said:
And I don't think you have achieved anything by breeding that snakehead, because they breed as easily as mice or rats, so no big deal. :dunno:
who cares about if the fish is easy to breed, the hard bit is raising the fry well, to a healthy state.

getting the eggs to hatch, making sure the eggs or young fry aren't eaten, giving them the right food at the right time, doing constant water changes to keep the tank spotless.

Livebearers are easy to get babies off but if your a complete idiot most the fry will be happily eaten(i wish, my fish won't touch platty fry :rolleyes: ).
Little does CFC know he has a Rare three way hybrid between a giant snake head a northern snake head and one of the migrateing species of snake head :nod:. These two bread early by some fluke but the others will flop out of there tanks and make it to the waterways and grow to 4 ft long and migrate all across england and survive in the thames (I'm relatively sure that plants cant even grow on the Banks of the thames :p :lol: )
I don't mean to get this arguement going agiain, but Zoraak, did you read about trolling and flaming? We give advice on the forums, not throw punches. You can state your opinion without being rude. :/
Well come on then CFC (meant polite) :unsure: :whistle: how about another update pic of the fry, they must be bigger now and easier to photograph.

Can I ask how you managed to get them to breed or was it purely by chance?


I just wanted to point out a very important fact that snakeheads are a pest there is nothing "cool" and excting about breeding/keeping them...

Yup just like humans, overunning the planet and destroying more than they create...nothing kewl in them breeding either. :D

What temp can these guys live down to? If they are sub-tropical they arent going to survive in UK waters, but then the Great lakes surely get pretty cold?
introduced by the Asian community which make a dish of snakehead soup from this fish and until the recent ban they were commonly sold alive in Asian supermarkets.

Eww..just incase you are not aware that would be the East Asian community...Asian(dont like that word) is misleading it means one thing in the US and completely different in the UK. Not a South Asian food...no way.

Well...I guess McDonalds could solve the problem instead of degrading tropical Environments...fish the Great Lakes for Mc Snakeheads!! :lol: :p
How come I've never seen this thread before? :hyper:

That's great CFC nice one!! I would be really interested in seeing how they have grown too.......post more pics please!! :p
Well the first batch of the fastest growing ones has already gone to the store and i have around 50 of the slower growing fry left which are currently about a inch to a inch and half long. I will try and get some pictures up just as soon as i have their tank cleaned up a bit, raising predatory fry is messy business and the tank is a bit of a state (waters clean though).

The breeding wasnt accidental but did happen faster than expected. To introduce the pair i kept them in the tank with a clear divider seperating them for several weeks before removing it and letting them get together, they spawned within a couple of days after that.

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