A Spawing Newbie's Spawn Diary


Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
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Nor Cal
:kana: Hello All and Welcome to my Spawn Diary! :kana:

I am a firstie when it comes to breeding bettas so bear with me! :p

Here is the father-to-be and mother-to-be:

Allie--a copper HM

Exxon--a marble CT

So, today...the first day of spawing prep (what I like to call the blind date), I set up the tank as instructed: 5 gal half full, no gravel, a bunch of plants in the corner for the female to hide in once she is released, part of a styrofoam cup (thank god for parents--this was the one bit I forgot to buy!), and the bubbler going at one bubble per second.

DAY 1:

I put the flute vase in the tank with Exxon in it. She was quite angry at me considering she used to have at least 3 gallons to herself.
I then put Allie in the tank. He got a bit angry at me for changing his home around until he spotted Exxon in her vase. Then he was like "THANK YOU MAMA!!!!!!" Now, he can't decided whether to flirt with her or play in the plants. :wub:

I'll post pics of the "Honeymoon Suite" a bit later! Oooh, I'm so excited! :D
hehe oooh so excited for you...good luck with it...and you have such beautiful fish! :) i bet we will have babies around the same time...this whole forum is going to turn into adoptions galore! haha good luck :)
^_^ sounds like you have everything set up! good luck with the spawn... I cant wait to see what the babies look like, Allie and Exxon are a cute pair!

is Allie HM?... he looks more like a Super Delta to me
Yeah he's Delta, but he's got HM bloodlines. :nod:

Day 2:

I was so excited when I got up this morning....hoping for a HUGE bubblenest!!! But, nope. Not one friggin' bubble anywhere in the tank!!!!! :grr:

Oh well, when I had them separated by divider, it took him 3 days to even think about making a bubblenest so I'll just give it a few days.


When should I stop feeding the two? After I release her?
They are going to have beautiful babies!
I am in love with Allie :wub: and Exxon is gorgeous!
Sign me up in advance for some bee-you-tee-full babies :wub: :wub:
Again you are in the US!! These babies could be exactly what I am after...depending what you get..... but I'm in the UK! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Gorgeous fish....keep the updates coming!
Ok, I sound like a fool, but if you're breeding a CT and HM, what do you get? I'm just curious if you were to breed like a veil tail with a plakat, what would you get? Not to hijack the thread! Pretty fish you got there for sure
redbetta said:
Ok, I sound like a fool, but if you're breeding a CT and HM, what do you get? I'm just curious if you were to breed like a veil tail with a plakat, what would you get? Not to hijack the thread! Pretty fish you got there for sure
CT x HM is going to give you mostly combtails. The CT trait is recessive, so all offspring will be heterozygous for CT, and this will be expressed to various degrees depending on the individual fish :)
VT x plakat will most likely give you all veiltails, since the VT trait is dominant.

I can't wait to see babies Elise... good luck!! Keep us updated!
Ooh, Combtails...I know I probably sound lame :*) , but I LOVE combs!!! :cool:

I am so excited, I just wish that Allie would get a move on that bubblenest!!!! :crazy: I can't stand the suspense! :p

Here is a nice pic of the Honeymoon Suite:

give it time he'll make a nest, and if not try releaseing teh female for a short period of time and then re-vase her, that userally gets em goin.

and about feeding, you can throw them a few pellets a day up untill the eggs are laid, then papa has to go on a diet. :D
Day 3:

Allie is super friendly to Exxon. He sits right next to her in the vase and they swim around together, but NOT ONE BUBBLE!!!

Meanwhile, as a side note, Alpha (my rescue VT) is bubbling away!!! He adds to this big nest that takes up most of his one gallon! :wub: What a sweetheart!

I've decided to try GuppyDude's advice, but if that doesn't work, I read on the internet that by separating them with something that air can pass through, they will build bubblenests faster...something to do with hormones. I have an extra divider laying around so if I need to, I can try that. But I think I just need to be patient. :thumbs:
You could take some of Alpha's bubblenest and put it into the spawning tank, it should give Allie the idea of what he should do :lol:

Have heard about the hormones thing too which is why I use floating breeding traps for my females instead of jars as they have holes to let the water through.

Good luck!
Joby said:
You could take some of Alpha's bubblenest and put it into the spawning tank, it should give Allie the idea of what he should do :lol:
Good luck!

lol I was just about to suggest that.

They're both gorgeous, Elise, and I'm loving that just as other peoples' spawn diaries start to wrap up, new ones get opened! This should keep us going all year! :lol:
Good luck, Elise. They're beautiful and I love your spawn tank. It's perfect :)

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