A Picture To Describe Your Job!

Somebody programmed the computer you are looking at, so I don't need to supply a picture, you're looking at it!

More realistically, if you've ever used or seen a satellite communications system, there is probably a bit of me in that!

gf225's picture remind me of a curry I ate once...
Yes...I"m a surgeon.....the table was setup for a carotid endarterectomy that my buddy was doing ( I was assisting him so I grabbed a cam). I think everyone's job here is admirable...in fact...some amazing. Everybody has a small nitch that needs to be filled. SH

Don't tell anybody....

(ps.. for those of you wondering, thats not me)
Yes...I"m a surgeon.....the table was setup for a carotid endarterectomy that my buddy was doing ( I was assisting him so I grabbed a cam).

It kinda looks like that camera's right overtop of the sterile field! :sick:

A carotid endarterectomy could be pretty exciting!

I'm guessing it was a sterile camera.

SH, you automatically said everyones job is cool and worthwhile because you know yours is the coolest and the most impressive. I'd be scared to death digging around in someone's neck (ok, maybe because I didn't do 20 years of school to learn how to - but that was because I wasn't smart enough).

Oh and I'm allowed to say someone else has the coolest job, I win the priviledge because I know I am the lowest of the low here, I have the suckiest job and everyone already hates me :)
Let me tell you something:

-we'd be less safe if we lost a pilot to a failed ejection seat
-someone out there would be late and miss their family if the train wasn't on time
-a mortgage broker got me my first home
-good construction projects give us a good neighborhood and a place we call home

No job is any more superior than anothers. Sometimes I wish I could drive a train.....SH

PS..the cam was a few feet away from the table and I took it before scrubbing. BTW...

PSS.......I got called in to the ED last night for an appendectomy in the blinding snowstorm. How I wish I could have stayed home under the covers with my family.............SH
As you wish :)

We are Dr & Mrs in our household, and he is still my hero, for being incredibly smart, for being dedicated and for being one of the few people I know that actually made a real difference to the world.

Zelandonia, thanks for the compliment :) but I am WAY to lazy to be anything important, the focus of my life changed when we made a tiny person, now my work is just a job and my boy is my world. He's as smart as his daddy and I know I have a very special priviledge in bringing him up, hopefully to also be someone who will change the world one day.

Anyway....enough about me :lol:

(doh, edited because I spelt "will" wrong!!)
We are Dr & Mrs in our household, and he is still my hero, for being incredibly smart, for being dedicated and for being one of the few people I know that actually made a real difference to the world.

Zelandonia, thanks for the compliment :) but I am WAY to lazy to be anything important, the focus of my life changed when we made a tiny person, now my work is just a job and my boy is my world. He's as smart as his daddy and I know I have a very special priviledge in bringing him up, hopefully to also be someone who will change the world one day.

Sorry, SuzieQPlecMama, I still have to disagree with you. Through your son and many other things you do you are making a difference in the world too. Also, you are so critically important because you are the leader of your child's entire world and without you, your husband wouldn't have had his child. I also don't think you are lazy if you are running a home and taking care of a family. I think you are self-deprecating, not lazy. I don't mean to carry this on but I just want you to realize that you shine as brightly as your husband and son!

Can't argue with zelandonia.....deciding to be a stay at home mom is one of the hardest jobs on this planet and probably one we 'dads' need to do a little bit more too.

All you have to do to put this in perspective is to think of a parent we lost...for some there can be no greater pain. SH
Oooh, just before I offend the SAHM's here by my comment that my job is worthless...I am not a SAHM, I am a working mom. I refer to my overall crapness because I still hold a full time job and my wonderful husband looks after our boy

I am a f/t working mom with a retired husband and a 3 y/o. Dan has had the baby since he was 7 weeks old, I had to go back to work because I had been made redundant and had a new job = no maternity entitlement.

But I'm enjoying being told how great I am, I should start a new thread called "What's great about me" and leave this one alone :lol:
I am a f/t working mom with a retired husband and a 3 y/o. Dan has had the baby since he was 7 weeks old, I had to go back to work because I had been made redundant and had a new job = no maternity entitlement.

But I'm enjoying being told how great I am, I should start a new thread called "What's great about me" and leave this one alone :lol:

Working moms are my heroes. Like your household, there's one in our household, too. :) My wife's time management and organizational skills are amazing.

And to state the obvious, working, single moms who try their best to do right by their kids in spite of fearsone financial and social odds are real heroes.

Dedicated moms will make a tremendously valuable difference long after they have departed the planet by the actions of their children and grandchildren. After all, where do you learn to be a parent? Usually from your own parents...there's not too many college courses on proper and firm and loving child rearing!

Some incredible jobs out there, both "officially" (by way of title) and "unofficially".

v/.r, N-A

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