A Picture To Describe Your Job!

These are a few of the kind of "things" I get to work with everyday:

Are you a lab technician? My Auntie is and I used to love going to her work when I was young to play "pick a bucket"....they all contained human parts of some sort....it was great.

10 points if you picked a brain
5 points for liver or lungs
3 points for eye balls, or eye ball.....(as Bruce Forsythe says "you get nothing for a pair in this game")

......thoes were the days

Anyone outside the UK wont know who Bruce Forsythe is.....but to explain, he is the god of game shows.
I salute you Mr Forsythe

Here he is.......just look at him......he oozes showbiz!

Anyone outside the UK wont know who Bruce Forsythe is.....but to explain, he is the god of game shows.
I salute you Mr Forsythe

Here he is.......just look at him......he oozes showbiz!

This may date me, but in the late 90's I spent some nights at RAF Mildenhall (late nights) watching the occassional rerun of a show where it looked like a younger version of this Mr. Forsyth had ordinary people doing some pretty hilarious stuff. It wasn't even anything unusual, believe it or not. The humor in it was that a couple my age would do things differently than a younger couple, and they were given the same task or question.

Is this the same guy?

Sadly, this type of really fun, understated humor is lost on most Americans these days.

v/r, N-A
Not quite sure why sometimes, but here is what I do (I just love it though!!!!!)........


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I'm a student, equestrian, and horse trainer :).


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OMG - I'm a Council Tax Officer........what did I do to deserve this? They pay so much money though...I just can't leave :(
Suziemama, :lol: :lol: I love the way you describe your job via the pic!

Without the pics, this post wouldn't be as fun as it is.. Keep them coming it's so amusing.

Best Regards
Thought this might be an interesting thread to see what people do for a living!!!!!

I have 2 jobs......

one is my own company, that specializes in laying Gas and water mains.....


The other is a buyer for a Civil Engineering firm.....


And I am also a mum to 4 kids.......so a busy gal most of the time....

Here's alink to describe mine !
can u guess what i am????

kiss kiss

You are the busiest person on the planet, perhaps in the whole galaxy (just judging this from watching my wife).

Not quite sure why sometimes, but here is what I do (I just love it though!!!!!)........

And for you, downsouth, why on Earth would you ever jump out of a perfectly good airplane? I've always considered parachutes as an "emergency use only" type of item. B)

These are a few of the kind of "things" I get to work with everyday:

Can anyone guess what I do??

AP, I am going to bite on this one...are you a forensic pathologist?

v/r, N-A
I work at a skate/surf/snow shop by day

and have rehearsel every night for a rock opera tribute to the who's quadrophenia.
Show coming up in march if anyone wants to come see it in L.A.
Here's a link from when we did it at the grove in anaheimLink to some info.
Not quite sure why sometimes, but here is what I do (I just love it though!!!!!)........

And for you, downsouth, why on Earth would you ever jump out of a perfectly good airplane? I've always considered parachutes as an "emergency use only" type of item. B)

I ask myself the same thing everytime I stand up and hook up to the anchorline cable, hearing how loud it gets in there when the jump doors open. Then when you exit the aircraft (if I could best describe it, your body is like a gum wrapper thrown out the window of a car going down the highway (not that i would litter :angel: )). but when your main canopy opens and you see the view (if its a day jump that is) all you have left to worry about is hitting the ground at 18-22 feet per second! Its a great experience, just keep your feet and knees together and dont look at the ground!!

Give me one of those..uh..er..thingamabobs and put back this..uh...oh....whosawhatsel. SH
Steelhealr, are you a surgeon?

The name would suggest it of course....I seem to remember a "how did you chose your name thread" once but I don't remember what you said.
Steelhealr, are you a surgeon??

...and if you are, why don't you have a surgeon fish? :D

I mean, it would be better than a fitting nickname.

v/r, N-A

I ask myself the same thing everytime I stand up and hook up to the anchorline cable, hearing how loud it gets in there when the jump doors open. Then when you exit the aircraft (if I could best describe it, your body is like a gum wrapper thrown out the window of a car going down the highway (not that i would litter :angel: )). but when your main canopy opens and you see the view (if its a day jump that is) all you have left to worry about is hitting the ground at 18-22 feet per second! Its a great experience, just keep your feet and knees together and dont look at the ground!!

Going through periodic training (especially ejection seat overwater training...getting dropped from a gantry w/ full gear, chute deployed, into a pool), it was tough not looking to see what was coming! Paratroopers around the world really are a different breed of cat.

Night jumps? Can't even imagine...

v/r, N-A

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