what light do you reccomend then?What sort of fish are you planning to keep?
I ask because you have a lot of rock and most fish don't live in rocks.
Why are you getting a small python gravel cleaner but a long algae scraper?
If you have a small tank, get a small normal gravel cleaner and use a sponge to wipe the glass down. Algae scrapers are used for tall tanks.
What sort of filter do you have?
You are getting an AquaClear sponge and some Biomax. Why?
Most filters come with their own media/ materials.
Digital thermometers aren't that good and if they are the ones you stick on the outside of the tank, they don't give accurate water temperatures. They can also be damaged if people have pressed the LCD bits. When you do get a thermometer, look at all of them together and check the temperature on them. If one says 22C and the others say 24C, avoid the 22C thermometer because it's dodgy.
Unless you have a weakened immune system or damage to your skin on your hands and arms, there is no reason to get rubber gloves to work in an aquarium. Just wash your hands with warm soapy water after working in the fish tank.
How big is the tank and what wattage is the heater?
Don't buy Anubias plants on driftwood. Anubias is not a good aquarium plant and you can stick them on wood or rocks if you really want one.
Don't buy the Lukovee tool kit, you don't need it.
T8 fluorescent light units are old and outdated. It is what we used in the 80s (last century). They get hot and the globes need replacing every year. Look for a LED light unit with a 6500K (K is for Kelvin) rating.