A Few Reptiles From My Past Til Present

Pmsl...that's why I intentionally left all pics of these little beauties off the thread,lol...most people seem to have this reaction to our little arachnid companions,lol...
I nearly jumped out of a 4x4 in Dominican Republic when a large hairy spider was on the leaf litter that the guide was showing us.

Make my skin crawl.

Now snakes is different, always take a chance to hold a snake, lots of pics of me and snakes, usually pythons.
A real beauty there truck and since being placed on the CITES list, an expensive one..
I have none anymore, silly women and their phobias,lol...but loved the brachypelma family these come from and I went out of my way to colect B. emilia...a true super model of a spider.
I kept asstd tarantuala, baboons and a few orb webs as well....one of my nicest being the indian ornamentals, beautiful but potentially deadly , from india and the se asian sub continent.
Largest was my basstard's ( sorry but that is his name,lol) german bred giant morph goliath bird eater...adults of this strain can hit a leg span of around 15-18 inches !!!
when i was staying in australia we came across a sydney funnel web in the porch..we shoved it in a jar and waited until the next day so we could take it to the place where they create anti venom, but throughout the night my uncle was poking a pen into the jar, he foudn it funny until it shot venom at him :lol:
Buddy please don't laugh, this is me on an off day.

Showers in Kenya are salt water and it plays havoc with a gels hair.

I had also had a severe case of Montezumah's Revenge for a week previous.


Told, you, never miss the chance to play with a snake :whistle:
Lol truck..they are one down rite nasty little critter,lol...best to be avoided i'd say as with any of the mouse spiders. Trap doors as a family, actually a seperate group, are true little characters...
Only aussies I had were huntsman spiders..very leggy and fast,lol..
Lovely python there T...you were brave,lol....large adult african rocks have been reported to eat children and small adults,lol...
I'm not a fan of spider keeping either. I can look at them at pet stores and in the zoo's, but NOT in my house.

I've had 2 snakes and that's it.
No unfortunately i'm no longer trading, but that's a long story,lol...would recomend the eyelash mate, banana yellow especially...gaboons are big and lazy but with the largest fangs in the game and one of the fastest strikes , best left til you have a bit of experience working in the venom game. a great starter here is the copperhead..southern forms are stunningly marked and they are grumpy little beggars as well. Their bite is extremely painful but very rarely fatal and when you are used to working with these guys on a hook then work up to something more tricky...
Love royals and there are some beautiful morphs and variants on the market now in the uk....
Ps ..leopards, especially carrot tails, are still probably my favourite lizards and well worth a place in any collection.
Ahh yeah I like your taste, the yellow ones are what I would go for...Check out viperkeeper on youtube, the guy has an insane collection of DWA snakes.
The rep shop I did work exp at had a large gaboon, moved once in 2 week lol.Nevertheless I loved the look of it, and the fact that its fangs can go through its own jaw to bite you :lol: Will have to look into copperheads :nod:
Should have my first year of breeding royals next year, I have 1 morph (a nice pastel male) but am looking into getting more.
Funny, SHCT's and Sunglows (and normals) are just what I'm working on.Currently my best SHCT (70%CT) is missing. :(

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